Early Welcome to Fall Gift: Superfood Creamers

When it’s back to school season, I like to shop for early welcome to fall gifts for friends, family, and people who may be living away from home or moving to a new location. Here is one of my favorite fall gifts:

Superfood Creamer® 3-Pack

This is a great superfood gift because it helps people make plenty of food and drink recipes. The Sweet and Creamy is perfect for making your morning coffee. The Mocha Creamer can help you make dark chocolate flavor from raw, cold-pressed cacao that blends perfectly with the Sweet and Creamy Superfood Creamer. Turmeric is a plant-based and dairy-free creamer… it has real turmeric spice so you can have both warm and spicy while being sweet and inviting for drinks, pasta, soup, salad recipes, and cookies.

Shop @lairdsuperfood  and try out superfood recipes.

⭐️ @fromgirltogirl may receive commission.

Use code FROMGIRLTOGIRL10 for 10% off!


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Become a Laird Superfood Ambassador: Apply Online

Be part of our Laird Superfood community of adventure seekers, corporate warriors, power parents, and those looking to level up their performance and fuel their ride. You can shop for superfood creamers, instant lattes, prebiotic daily greens, hydrate mixes, adaptogenic mushroom blends, protein bars and more.

Waffles with fresh blueberries and strawberries as toppings.

Shop @lairdsuperfood to get your functional nutrition that levels up your wellness and health journey.

⭐️ @fromgirltogirl may receive commission.

Use code FROMGIRLTOGIRL10 for 10% off!


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Morning Coffee Security: Superfood Instant Lattes

Laird Superfood Instant Latte Coffee + Creamer + Adaptogens.

Adaptogens Superfood Creamers are great to add to your morning coffee. Try Peppermint Mocha, Vanilla, Sweet & Creamy with Adaptogens Superfood Creamers to drink your coffee favorites. It gives me this cozy, secure feeling in the morning. This is why this article is called morning security.

People say too much coffee isn’t good for you, especially if you are pregnant. But I love drinking Instant Latte with adaptogens weekly. I drink it when I am pregnant because creamers and coffee from Laird Superfood are packed with ingredients to give you energy when you need it most.

If my husband wants to know, I still love the Laird Superfood Instant Lattes. Here’s a favorite:

The Sweet & Creamy Instant Latte with Adaptogens

Laird Superfood Instant Latte Coffee, Creaner, and Adaptogens. Sweet and Creamy Coffee.
I love my husband… I couldn’t even hold the packet because I was recovering from an injury during pregnancy that would have otherwise resulted in a miscarriage. But God bless us with our baby. It’s a story in itself. I’ll tell you about it soon… off the Internet, on the Internet. Who knows? Xoxo. Wave.

The Sweet & Creamy Instant Latte is a delicious superfood latte I love to have in the morning with my husband because we can make it in seconds while having our breakfast. Just add the hot water to make your luxury latte.

I love that we can bring this freeze-dried premium coffee on-the-go so I never get upset with myself that I forgot to have coffee.

Don’t judge me. I come from a family who makes good coffee. So when I go to coffee shops, I bring the ingredients with me in case there is a new hire or someone looking to make a better coffee on the menu for me to order. Yes, I’m someone who will even recommend at the drive-thru.

“Sweet & Creamy Superfood Creamer. It’s boosted with four revered functional mushrooms. This isn’t just coffee, it’s functional fuel!”

Princess Diana’s Daughter

Laird Superfood offers clean, plant-based food with functional ingredients.

Click my link to check it out: 


Laird Superfood Discounts

Drink your coffee! Shop @lairdsuperfood .

@fromgirltogirl may receive commission.

Use code FROMGIRLTOGIRL10 for 10% off!

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Laird Superfood INSTAFUEL® – Instant Coffee Review

Use code FROMGIRLTOGIRL10 FOR 10% off your Laird Superfood order.

Order here or refer a friend via the link below: https://glnk.io/kow0o/fromgirltogirl

By Briana Booker

Briana Booker, Founder of Fromgirltogirl.com and Beverage writer, tries Laird Instafuel Original Coffee.
Briana Booker drinks Laird Superfood Instafuel original coffee.
Fromgirltogirl.com may receive commission per sale.

Laird Superfood creates Premium Superfood products including Coffee, Superfood Creamers, Functional Mushroom Blends, and Hydration mixes.

I have been searching for affordable, high quality instant coffee and Laird Superfood delivers.

Laird Superfood creates premium all-natural superfood products including Superfood Creamers, coffees, hydration mixes, functional mushroom blends, and more.

Laird Superfood INSTAFUEL®

Laird Superfood INSTAFUEL® , is a delicious, plant-based superfood latte. Just add water and you are ready to go for your instant coffee fix.

The Laird Superfood Original Instafuel is the perfect mix of premium instant coffee and the Original Superfood Creamer in an easy, on-the-go format. This Instafuel has a 12-month shelf stable so it is the perfect choice for camping and travel! Simply add hot water for an effortlessly delicious coffee that leaves you ready to conquer the day. I like this instant coffee product because I save on the cost of spending money on premium instant coffee and creamer supplies. It is a good go to for those who are slightly above the ” I like my coffee black,” or ” I drink my coffee black,” preference.

If you need something slightly sweeter without the sugar build up:

Use Code DrinksTalk for Skinny Mixes Discount.

Skinny Mixes has an excellent collection of coffee syrups. Read more.

0 Calories. 0 Sugar. 0 Carbs.

As I continue my healthy food and beverage journey, I am always looking for quick meals and drinks. I love that Laird Superfood gives me so many options to sustain a healthy lifestyle. The Laird Superfood Instafuel Original is perfect for my morning and early afternoon coffee because it has a great taste while saving me money and time when it comes to enjoying a combined premium coffee and superfood creamer instant coffee solution.

Briana Booker, Chief Editor of Fromgirltogirl.com

The freeze-dried Arabica coffee combined with our Original Superfood Creamer creates a smooth, creamy latte with a subtle addition of sweet coconut.

The following ingredients are included in the Laird Superfood INSTAFUEL® coffee.

Enjoy your cup of joe!

Add 4 tablespoons of Instafuel to 12oz of hot water and mix. 

For an iced latte, mix hot, then pour over ice.

Contains 104mg of caffeine per 12oz serving.


Coconut Milk Powder


Freeze-Dried Arabica Coffee


Organic Coconut Sugar


Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil



Use code FROMGIRLTOGIRL10 FOR 10% off your Laird Superfood order.

Order here or refer a friend via the link below: https://glnk.io/kow0o/fromgirltogirl

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