Briana Fierce : Are Love & Basketball Inter-Linked?


Can Basketball help you find real love?
Can Basketball help you find real love?


By Briana Booker

I have never been one very talented at sports or pursued sports passionately in my life. I decided to become a writer. But I have been told it has potential to build great character and team work.

Two years ago, I lost faith that good men exist – Men that are respectful. Men that are honest. Men that are affectionate. Men that do not cheat on women that love them. I lost faith healthy relationships existed. But something made me pause – maybe I was following the wrong method of discovering a good man and what he is all about in life.

People often believe I am beautiful and smart. I have no problem finding  a good man. Often the males I have dated have been bright young men with very attractive bodies. But as my demands for a man to commit to building a strong and healthy relationship became more important than sex and public appearance, I started to feel more alone than when I was single.

I knew relationships were not supposed to work like that. I knew inconsistency and convenience was not supposed to be part of a healthy and loving relationship. I realized I was attracting the wrong characters. It takes more to being a man than selfishness and chasing ass all day.

Recently, a male friend told me , if you want to learn a man’s character,watch him play basketball,street basketball to be exact.

No, he does not have to be the most talented basketball player. It can be his first day on the court. You will see things revealed about his character, that could tell you how he will treat you in a romantic and committed relationship.

I never thought about it. I do not know  if it is true or not. But I plan on discovering, if the theory can add value to my romantic life. Can the game of basketball help me find the one? I mean, it helped Mrs. Obama find the one( more into that story later).

So I got out my phone. I typed: ‘Can I watch you play basketball?’ To a man I will not name at the moment. I have not sent the text yet…but the day that I do will come soon enough.


Are you ready for some Love & Basketball?


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Fromgirltogirl: Growing with a man and not a boy.

The face behind the Fromgirltogirl.

By Briana Booker

I finally became wise. I was dating boys but finally I’m ready to have a man. A man is a male that carries himself, you & your relationship with respect. He does not act single when you are not around. He does not let his homeboys & want to be groupies disrespect your relationship.

Growing into a woman I need a man and myself want to work as a team. I need a man that loves himself, me and us.

There are no if, &’s or buts. Some guys can be 30ys+ or on their death bed, but remain a boy for life. It takes confidence to become a man. #fromgirltogirl

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