Foods to Improve Skin

Skin care and Skin Health Tips

Skin, we all have it but some people’s epidermis is a lot more enviable than others. Of course, the quest for great skin is not a low-cost one and the cosmetics industry is worth hundreds of billions of pounds on a worldwide scale.

The sheer number of us forking out for extremely costly products to make our skin more radiant, beautiful and bright is crazy, especially when you consider most people overlook the cause and solution – the foods we eat.

Some foods promote healthy skin while others have the opposite effect. We’re not going to lie and say we have the Holy Grail to great skin, but there are some foods that can lower your cosmetics bill and improve your look, alongside skin treatments according to healthy skin blogs.


This fish is full of fatty acids, such as Omega 3. This keeps cell membranes healthy and allows good nutrients in and keeps out the problematic waste products. It’s also good for promotion of natural anti-inflammatory agents that help heal damaged skin. Walnuts and flaxseed also contain plenty of Omega 3, as do other oily fish such as mackerel. Of course, salmon is also full of other nutritional benefits such as potassium, selenium and B12.

Green Tea

The high antioxidant count in green tea is also great for cell membranes and reduces damage and inflammation. It also has cancer fighting benefits. Studies also suggest that it’s full of a chemical called polyphenol, which reactivate dying cells to keep skin at its best.


With the highest level of antioxidants in fruit, blueberries are great for protecting against free radical damage and skin cell disintegration. They also come packed with fibre, vitamin C and a whole host of other nutrients, making them a great food for skin health and overall health too.


Clean water is a sure-fire way to help skin and dehydration is one of the prime causes of skin problems. Water will hydrate the cells and helps them drop the toxins. It also helps to sweat more because sweat keeps the skin healthy. Try and drink around 2 liters of water each day and remember that sugar drinks and caffeine don’t count.


We’ve all been told about the health benefits of carrots as children,battered with Bugs Bunny’s carrot eating ways. Carrots are great for healthy skin,  full of antioxidants and vitamin A that help fight against dry skin. Carrots high in fibre also contain a whole raft of other nutrients, including B6, potassium, and biotin.

Great skin comes with a good skin care routine, but also food intake – so, increase your consumption of the aforementioned for a better complexion.

Want to learn more about improving your skin health? You may be also interested in reading this recently published blog from Health Ambition, Is Fruit Bad For You? A Scienced Backed Answer, about the health benefits of fruit. It is very comprehensive and gives great insight on how healthy fruit is for the body.  See more here:

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