What do Jennifer Lawrence’s Nude Photos reveal about Society?


You are human, right? You see yourself naked everyday. It’s normal. So why do people make a big deal about nudity, particularly the nudity of women?

Yesterday, Jennifer Lawrence’s nude photos debuted on the Internet. It was a true invasion of privacy by hackers. I saw the photos( like many other people), but it doesn’t make me think any differently about her.

Sexuality is something to embrace. In the words of Marilyn Monroe, ‘Sex is only dirty when suppressed.’

I think Jennifer Lawrence looks beautiful in her skin. The body of a woman is a beautiful thing and people who shame that beauty should reevaluate why they feel the need to demean natural beauty.

She is a free spirit and I believe all men and women should have the opportunity to feel free and comfortable in their own skin.

The human body is a work of art – no matter the shape or shade. Nudity is our natural state.

It’s no surprise to me that people are so shocked. Many of us disguise who we are and how we feel at any given time. Many of us are afraid of who we are – we fear rejection. We fear disappointment.

Jennifer Lawrence’s nude photos are just a reminder that we are all human. It’s not a dirty little secret. It’s not a scandal. It’s the core of our existence – a creation of the universe.


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