Wine and food pairings [ infographic] surprisingly delicious and unusual

Do you know how many foods go great with wine? We here to tell you about the foods you least expect to go great with wine. Why? Because we enjoy wine pairings and the health benefits of wine, particularly red wine. Save and book this ’15 unusual wine & food pairings’ infographic so you can know which food items to get along with your wine the name time you go grocery shopping.

15 unusual wine and food pairings [ infographic]

Looking at the wine and food pairings infographic below, here are the ones we think you can enjoy this summer out of the list below:

The entree wine pairings

  • Salmon Burger with a Greek Santorini Assytriko
  • Venison with a Riesling ( make sure the venison is pan-seared)
  • Sushi with a Sparkling Rose …so good! The smell of fruit with fresh seafood is heavenly.
  • Tacos!  The spices and assortment of meat with vegetables just goes perfect with a red wine.

    View Interactive Version
    (via Mr.Gamez).

Share this wine and food pairings [ infographic] with friends and family to keep in mind for summer parties. It will not only make for fun conversations during wine tasting but also it’s fun to just try something new. Your taste buds will thank you and you just may make a few new friends along the way. Let Fromgirltogirl know about your favorites, by liking us on our Facebook page and leaving us a message. Happy to receive your recipes, photos and videos from your wine parties as well. Let us know if you would like us to share on social media. We love spreading the word on awesome food and recipes, especially when we can eat and drink for our health. You may also be interested in following us on Instagram for an inside look at our daily lives – fitness, healthy eating, fashion and more.  Enjoy!

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