How to become a Shero of Women’s Rights

March is International Women’s Month, and although it may not feel like year’s past, there are still plenty of ways to celebrate female empowerment and mark the holiday! One way is to appreciate all the “sheroes” in our society who make a positive impact every day to challenge gender inequality and empower others. 

What is a Shero?

A shero is defined as a woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities; a heroine. The term shero originated in 1836 during the suffrage movement but can still be used today to describe a woman who lives her life geared at championing equality. Sheroes are vital to society because they support, encourage and push every woman to be better and expect more from the world. We believe a shero can be everyday people who support diversity and have a strong character and sense of self. Anyone at any age and from any culture or background can be a shero. 

How to Become a Shero?

To help you get started, FTD has collected tips and traits from common day sheroes to help you pass the baton and pave the way to a brighter future. Learn how to become your own shero and be a trailblazer for the next generation of lady heroes:

whos your shero infographic

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