Mexico factories serve as Insurance Policies for Business | Zipfox

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Beat the supply chain and the trade war. Source products from Mexico.
The company ZIPFOX , manufacturing in China, comes with a significant set of risks in today’s political climate. Supply chain disruption is a real concern for most U.S. importers. Savvy businesses are proactively finding ways to cut their potential losses by finding an “insurance policy” closer to home, and establishing new trade relationships with suppliers in the US and Mexico. Should supply chain issues in China escalate further, these alternative sources will be critical to maintaining the optimal flow of goods.

Getting a head start in setting up these new resources will help ease a long-term transition as companies start nearshoring their operations and competing for manufacturing facilities. 

As a global sourcing platform, ZIPFOX is helping demystify the process for U.S. importers.  Under the leadership of founder Raine Mahdi, the company can connect them with some 350 verified Mexico-based factories. ZIPFOX takes the bulk of the footwork out of the process with its strict vetting and onboarding process.  In addition to circumventing supply chain issues associated with importing from China, sourcing from Mexico comes with numerous easily quantifiable time and cost savings benefits.

Mahdi founded the company to provide a transparent, secure and user-friendly experience after having been scammed himself by a major Asia-based platform. 
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