What are Arabs without Islam?

By Briana Booker

 In the next year or so, my goal is to visit Cairo,Egypt. I am a beginner student of Arabic and have intent to eventually learn the Cairen dialect, which is Egyptian Arabic. I am excited and up for the challenge! Today I finished a school presentation about Egypt;’s Poverty epidemic. I hope to learn a great deal in the next few months about Arab culture and ideology. In a Contemporary Arab World class I attend in college, I had to write about my thoughts on what are Arabs without Islam.

My new scope for Fromgirltogirl is changing. I am no longer focusing simply on pop culture. I want to focus on food for thought.  You will be seeing a variety of documentations and videos on Fromgirltogirl covering a variety of cultures. I am also opening up a Fromgirltogirl forum. If you want to be a special blogger of the week, please email us breelalavie@gmail.com .

Here are my thoughts on What are Arabs without Islam:

Arabs without Islam is like mankind without thought. I say this because Islam brings forth the thought of purpose and justifies why Arabs should conduct themselves in a community oriented fashion. It does not force you to be what you are not,but Islam gives the guide of God to man to find what you always had the ability to be.Gerald Butt discusses this when he indicates the Quran will guide men to the up-most right (Butt,4). This means it is a guide book to the up-most right path of conduct. It is a glance into the mind of Allah, the creator. In it comes wisdom that man can not comprehend or accept, unless going to the path of righteousness. That is the guide to God, whether of Islam or not, that is the goal for humanity. Even with the pilgrimage to Mecca it discusses a pilgrimage to God. It discusses how to be one with ones self and the community. Islam shows to all people that God loves all creations equally, although inequalities are great on earth. Mecca makes it where all are seen as equal in attire and there is no hierarchy. No judgment, just the straight path to harmony and peace.This no hierarchy principal explains why many Arab states have been in favor of Arab socialism ( Butt, 6). This also explains John Epositio’s remark on family unity( Eposito 34) as the basis law because it is the same basis of Sharia, the road to the watering hole. Clear, right and straight path (Esposito 27).It is not that Arabs need Islam to function in society, there is ” No single Arab country that has applied Islam correctly, even if they say they are”( Butt 8) but the fact is that they have the guide to reach Sharia through the principals of Islamic conduct. Islam is the word of Allah and if you connect the name of Allah to creation…then there would be no Arab without Islam. Arabs would be the unfinished product of incomplete manufactured canvas, which is needed make a product of creation.

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