About the 2018 hemp farm bill

Hemp as displayed in cannabis industry

The introduction of the 2018 hemp farm bill by Kentucky senator, Mitch McConnell, proved with hard numbers the kind of support and popularity that the hemp industry has been enjoying. Both chambers of Congress voted in favor of the bill and for the first time, the nagging confusion between hemp and cannabis was clearly presented. Amid the lengthy debates and keen exchange of research-based evidence, the bill received considerable bipartisan approval. This was in contrary to the previous attempts to lift hemp prohibition which placed it in schedule 1 drugs alongside heroin, ecstasy, and cannabis.

The recognition of the hemp industry beyond the state level means much to the hemp producers and consumers. Some of the issues addressed under the new law favor the production, transportation, and consumption of the hemp products within the U.S borders. Even with the legalization of hemp, there are still some laws restricting the use and its production. One is that hemp will only be legal if it has a THC concentration of less than 0.3 percent. Large scale production of hemp would also need approval from the United States Department of Agriculture in line with the State level departments of agriculture.

Benefits from the 2018 hemp farm bill

  • Hemp is no longer a controlled substance
  • States/Tribes will submit own program
  • The Interestate movement is now legal
  • Crop Insurance
  • FDA Freedom

Farmers gain access to federal resources

After the enforcement of the bill on 20th December 2018, a number of State departments in charge of Agriculture and THC control began a program to harmonize the rules linked to hemp testing and legalization. This also opened ways for hemp farmers to legally access the national resources such as federal & state agricultural grants, water rights and loans from creditors to fund their hemp businesses.

Improved international trades and entrepreneurship

Hemp entrepreneurs will also enjoy consistent trades with other nations such as China and Canada as the market conditions and federal laws become favorable. Canada is one of the countries which enjoys a massive economic boost from the hemp and cannabis industry. Some of the industry leaders such as Ontario Cannabis have been in the business for quite some time, thanks to the genius legislators who saw the need to legalize the promising hemp and marijuana plants.

Modern technology in hemp farming

Hemp farming will also become very convenient at a national level as research and other agricultural resources are geared towards the farmers. Typically, this type of farming isn’t so complicated. Hemp seeds are usually planted on fertile, well-drain loan where germination takes place four to seven days. The government will then focus on incorporating modern technology such as large-scale hydroponic farming. This will boost the quality and revenues from hemp farming.

Job creation and boosted economy

In a Forbes report on the 2018 US Farm bill, it’s clear that the new law will benefit many people and will boost the economy by a substantial margin. In a quest for the liberalization of this magic plant, various hemp advocates and researchers had to stand together and defend the bill which would see a rise in job creation, increased products for consumers and quality medicine for patients.

Improved medical research

The hemp plant is normally grown for medical purposes. In a recent NCBI study report, it’s speculated that CBD extracts have certain anticancer properties which could help in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. Such reports are constantly on the rise as hemp legalization and research continue to take shape.

Over the recent past, patients have legally and comfortably get hemp and CBD oil prescriptions for a number of health conditions. Nowadays, one can buy Anavar and used it alongside other CBD products for faster results. Several hemp products are being developed under strict supervision to ensure the right and safe products get to the end consumer without any contaminants.

The history of the Hemp Farm Bill is one that has taken several years of trial and error. Hemp production dates back to the mid-1950s when it was officially contained under the strict federal regulations and market conditions.

As different countries continue to legalize hemp, the majority of the pioneering nations are already benefiting from the rapidly growing Marijuana market. Different research bodies are also pushing for advanced studies to ensure everything is well tested before any hemp product gets access to the public.

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