Reassurance is Care

Love Yourself Tips: avoid getting really involved with anyone that’s constantly reassuring his or her self but never goes out of his or her way to reassure you. Selfish people do the following stunts: 1 . They like to make you jealous to bring attention on themselves. 2. They do their best to make you worry to get you to do what they want you to do when they want you to do it. 3. They do the good ole disappearing act. * Now you see me, now you don’t. * lol.

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There’s No Excuse For Bad Behavior

No one that truly cares about how you feel will make excuses for bad behavior. People that make excuses for bad behavior want you to lower your expectations/standards you set for yourself on how to be treated so they don’t have to live up to those standards. A person that truly cares about you apologizes & takes on the challenge to be a better person. The person won’t even let fear / the belief that he or she lacks capability to get in the way to becoming a better person.

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How To Realize He Is Not The One

Often we hang on to a relationship because we so badly for it to be the one that works. But we are setting ourselves up for pain & loss when we wait too long for it to work out. When a man says someday, don’t wait. Someday may never come. If you want commitment in the now, you can’t just sit & wait for his someday that may never happen. When you’re in this limbo position, it’s only convenient for him to have a taste of exclusiveness as he clings to his comfort zone of single guy mode. You’re precious & you deserve someone that respects & appreciates you at all times. When a man has no long term goal to commit to you, it’s time to let him. If you’re searching for someone to build a real life with you, you need to let him know. You need to set a time limit for your waiting. 10 years is out of the question. 5 years is out of the question. God made you to be loved. When you live your own life, the commitment needed for a healthy relationship will come from the right person at the right time. Don’t waste your time. For more information LIKE us on Facebook & subscribe to our blog.

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Why Should Men Treat Women With Respect?

For men who get confused why awell-educated, respectful, sexy women remain single, here’s an answer: They often have a past of running into relationships with no good men & become overly independent because those men didn’t meet their standards. Later when they meet a half decent guy, they don’t know how to detach from those negative experiences. So instead, they decide to stay single…even for a whole lifetime. This is why it’s so important how you treat women even if she may not be the one.

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Play Cool. Ice Cold! Dating Tips.

I’ve learn plenty in my 20’s but I’ve so much more to learn. One major thing I’ve learned in my 20’s is to never try to force someone to want a relationship. You have to play cool. You have to be Ice cold. A relationship should never be forced. It should develop organically. What I mean by that is stay cool, live life and have fun. Don’t analyze every minute of the dating. That kills the enjoyment of dating someone wonderful. Remember a person you’re dating is only invested in you as much as the effort the person decides to put into you and your relationship. You’re nobody special to someone until you both claim each other. Smile and live.

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Developing A Sense Of Self Respect

It’s good to develop a sense of integrity, self respect and self love. If you’re seeking real love, you’ll need to realize most people don’t value someone that doesn’t value his or her self. We all are born with integrity. Don’t ever take your integrity for granted. Don’t sell it to be accepted by others. You must have balance in your life to have a fulfilling life. Value yourself always and I promise you that you will never gave to settle for bread crumbs.

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You Don’t Have To Have Sex For Him to Commit

Bottom line: you don’t have to have sex with a man for him to. Commit. A man serious about you will respect you from the get go. Also in the first couple of months he will ask to meet your parents & have you at least meet his parents. No real man is ashamed to carry you or himself with respect. It’s not a me situation; relationships are about an Us. You’re either together or you’re not. Nothing is new under the sun.

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Acid Test: Why is He Having Sex With Me?

ACID TEST: There are only 2 purposes to sex: 1. Pleasure 2. To make a baby. A man will lay down with you for his pleasure. If he doesn’t ever mention a future with you, stop having sex with him because everytime you have sex with him you take the chance of having a baby. & if he never had plans to commit to you, he won’t try just because he got you pregnant. Think about it. We call these types of men bums. Avoid at all cause. Like Fromgirltogirl on Facebook for more valuable advice :

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Why He Hasn’t Claimed You As His

Anytime a guy says he isn’t ready for a relationship or ready to claim you, it’s a cop out. He is one or all of the following: 1. He thinks since his last relationship failed this one will too. 2 . He has no idea what he wants in life, himself & seeing you is comfortable so he figures why change the present situation. 3. He wants a relationship but he doesn’t think you can complete the role. Guys are stubborn …they rather predict an outcome than make an effort to have a good outcome. IN all scenarios keep bettering who YOU ARE! If he mans up , he will return & step up as a man ready to commit. If he doesn’t, who cares…the Obama of your life is coming lol. You just have to be patient & love yourself enough to not settle for less than you want out of a relationship. !

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