Where Do All The Nice Guys Hangout At?

An young lady ask me where do all the nice guys that want relationships hangout at. My answer: THEY don’t have a club where they all meet up but there are ways to spot a great man that will commit but you can’t look at just his looks or accomplishments. You have to look at the whole picture…including what kind of friends he has, how he treats women / how the friends treat women & how he interacts with his family. It’s all about character traits. Birds of a feather often flock together.

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Accepting Your Friend’s Lover

The best thing single people can do (especially Black Singles)when their friends get into steady, healthy relationships, is to simply STAY in your LANE. Stop giving advice you can’t give. You’ll find happiness in time. No, your friendship isn’t in jeopardy because your friend found love. Chillax. Couples often put YOU in situations to find real love too. Let people be happy. www.fromgirltogirl.com

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Own Your Voice To Get What You Want

As a woman, I am starting to learn if I want power over my personal and professional success I need to own my statements. I need to give my voice power. Young girls are taught to speak in a voice tone that is favorable to anyone and everything. It makes us come off timid and prevents us from getting what we want and need in romance and in our careers. So what is the solution? You can speak up for yourself but know when it is better be silent and listen, listening gains you wisdom about the situation. It will never lessen your power. Being the loudest and most arrogant can make you lose power rather than gain it. You can not win every battle, especially when it come to romantic conflicts. Pick your battles wisely. And most of all only apologize once, if at all. You do not have to apologize for having an honest opinion. You should apologize only once at the least and most, if you stated your honest opinion in a disrespectful way. Follow the golden rule. Be assertive( powerful verbals help but like, maybe, I think this might do not work) and do not be a bitch who has to have it her way or no way at all. When you take the bitch way, I can guarantee both your romance and career success will falter. – Briana Booker

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How To Know If He is Your Man

Many women seek to have a man that is truly her man only. However, few get the happily ever after of “That’s my man…the love of my life.”

What I have learned in my 20’s I think will truly help a woman asking herself whether a man is really her man. Yes, it comes in the following statement:

 If you have to track him, he is not yours. A man that loves you,really loves you, you will never need to track him. Immature is a man that needs to gets tracked.

You are worth more than that. Never settle for it. Love will never come in this form…ever.

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