December 21,2012 Dooms day or spiritual transformation?

By Briana Booker

I know sometimes on this blog I say plenty of wacky statements, but I am fascinated by this date of December 21 or 23rd of 2012! One of those dates marks the end of the 5,125 year long cycle of the Mayan calendar. The Mayans are a cool civilization that uses mathematical calculations to calculate events on earth. They have yet to be wrong.

If we take this day as a dooms day prophecy we will note massive solar storms, magnetic pole reversals, earthquakes, super volcanoes, the full nine yards of drastic natural events and of course people being destructive( as usual).

But there are a few cool theories about this date, listed below:

1. A geomagnetic reversal happening. A massive solar flare from the sun is meant to trigger this event.  The solar flare is predicted to be equivalent to 100 billion atomic bombs(powerful). This is supported by the Earth’s magnetic field weakening. So this has potential to reverse the north and south magnetic poles.

2. There is a rumor that a planet called Nibiru or X will collide to earth or pass us. The cool thing about this theory is that we should be able to visibly see this from the sky at night and maybe aliens! Amazing.

3. Then, there is the black hole theory. Some believe the galactic alignment will formulate a gravitational effect between the sun and this gigantic black hole in the center of our galaxy. We might get sucked in,but on the bright side, white holes can always happen. We could eventually become a star or sun!

But, do not worry about it! The Mayans definitely are not worried. They have better things to worry about such as when the next rain season will happen. The world is probably going to destroy itself by then anyways.

The Mayans have made no claim to a dooms day. They do believe a spiritual shift or a global consciousness shift of corruption versus genuine integrity is due. Some would like to think this spiritual transformation will bring light to the suspicion of corruption by mainstream western culture. A new age of socio-political, spiritual activism. A gaining of superior knowledge that we are better off connected than disconnected, only time will tell. I like this belief the most. And if I am live by that day, I am definitely seeing if this whole prediction is worth the hype. Then again, Flavor Flav told us ” Don’t believe the hype.”

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