Diaspora: Control of your own data! Better than Facebook?

By Briana Booker

 Aggravated by Facebook owning your personal publications?Annoyed by nosey people on Facebook, that do not like you,but need to know everything about you? Me too!

Four New York University students ( Daniel Grippi, Maxwell Salzberg, Llya Zhitomirskiy and Raphael Sofaer) might be heaven sent to stop Facebook’s invasion of  privacy rights! They have a vision to build a web server called Diaspora. It is a personal web service that puts, you, as an individual,in control of your own data! Yes, anti-Facebook movement is finally in the works!

 They aimed for the goal to raise $10,000  by June 1st to start putting their plan into the works! They made that in 12 days of their mission. They have made $100,000 so far, with two more weeks left in the month of May!

 They are firm believers that you should have the privilege to share information of your choice online,while still maintaining your own privacy and safety! This installation they call a “seed” allows each person a personal web server with ownership and control by the user, not the company!

Check out Diaspora! I support this movement 110% !

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