Girls trump guys in most areas Concerning general health

Women on the beach having a good girl talk about women's health.

Being a girl is great! Not only do we get to wear makeup but we are allowed to cry at random intervals. We are privy to better public restrooms and seemingly have the edge as far as health and well-being is concerned. While women are very often still being underestimated, we no longer have to sit back and accept misogynistic remarks that are flung in our direction. Science has proven time and time again that the fairer sex has the upper-hand as far as vigor is concerned. Here are a few examples of how the girls can give the guys a run for their money on the big playing-field of life.

Girls have better memories than guys

Men, in general, have always had a bit of a bad rep for forgetting everything, including birthdays and anniversaries. While this has been the bud of many jokes, there is scientific evidence that points to the fact that women inherently have better recall abilities than men.  While this is true with regards to memory, the difference between men and women is especially pronounced in verbal memory with the variance in ability peaking just after puberty. Even though our memories seemingly take a dip when menopause kicks in, a Norwegian study published in the journalBMC Psychology found that men of all ages were significantly more forgetful than their female counterparts.

Girls live longer than guys

Yes, it is true, American women are expected to outlive men by an average of about 5 years according to the National Center for Health Statistics. In war-torn countries such as Sudan, Iraq or Mexico, the gap can be as big as a decade. There are many factors that can contribute to this phenomenon, including lower rates of heart disease and obesity as well as a lower incidence of drug and alcohol abuse and suicide. Women also spend more time with their loved ones, including both extended families and friends, which has been found to lead to a longer, happier life.

Another possible reason why women tend to live longer is the ‘jogging female heart’ hypothesis which revolves around the fact that a woman’s heart increases slightly during the second half of her menstrual cycle, mimicking the benefits of mild exercise and thus reducing the onset of medical conditions associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

Girls are less likely to die of skin cancer than guys

Although us girls tend to enjoy sunbathing more than guys do, men are still 55% more likely to die of melanoma than women. Before the age of 40, the rates of melanoma are slightly higher in women, after which men become the most-at-risk group. The damage accumulated from years of working outdoors, playing sports and frolicking in the pool is believed to be the main reason why, especially Caucasian men, are diagnosed with melanoma in large numbers. Men are also less likely to apply sunscreen before venturing outside, resulting in extensive sun damage.

Whichever way you look at it, girls rock. Not only do we rule the world with our beauty and brains but we also do it while being significantly healthier than some of our male counterparts.

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