How to reach ‘ Ibada’? Is it feasible?

beauty of ibada Pictures, Images and Photos
Know who this fierce woman is? Sade! Amazing. When my hair gets long, I am taking an epic picture like this.

By Briana Booker

Today, I had an epic moment of thought….thought to the point I felt slightly intrigued more than my daily routines would normally allow. I was contemplating Ibada.
 What is Ibada? Ibada is the belief that the purpose of mankind is the service of God or existence.  It reminds me of that government motto of ‘ It is not what your country can do for you,but what you can do for your country.’ 
I often feel like a blood sucking vampire of the earth. What do I give? Is my life really worthy of sustaining if I lack purpose? If I am selfish? If I do more harm than good to my external environment?
For Ibada to be complete, it requires existence of organized community and order. I understand the logic of that but then when I read about community requiring government, I became alarmed. Would serving existence mean I would need a fixed order of morals that the community as a whole followed? Would I not need a government that would serve the purpose of that order? Could the government be trusting with such power? 
Would not there have to exist a global community? A global government for the full idea of purpose of existence to be fully served?  Is it actually feasible to do this? But these thoughts have simplistic answers to them, have they not? Answers we can not understand until we find our way back to the basics.
In a Practices of Peace and Principals class I attend  in college, I was intrigued by two men living by the morals of time is art. Two men promoting people to speak up with purpose. Two men promoting people to be without need of government demands. Can Ibada still be achieved that way?
There was something peaceful about viewing two men not too worried about outcomes, but living in the moment. Living without fear. Living without worry. Living with a passion. Is that not serving Ibada?
The next few months, I will like to start at small experiment of my own to see what form of Ibada increases my purpose and peace with life. I welcome Fromgirltogirl readers to join in this discovery. Will keep you posted on the experiment throughout the next months. Cheers!

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