Must see video clips: “Move B*tch,” Cop punches teen girl.

By Briana Booker

 I know this might not seem funny to people,but a Seattle cop punches a 17 year old teen girl! Why?

 Well, she happen to be jay walking with a friend. She shoved him when being questioned about jay walking and he rounded up for a POW in your face sucka move!

I mean, I have jay walked before so it seems a bit extreme in my views for a cop to punch me in the face. 

Looking at the video it appears to me the girl shoved the cop to get him off her friend. He probably should have reacted differently, especially because this punch in the face seems, on the surface,a white man punching a black woman. This plays on that theme of racial tensions in America. If it were a white woman being stopped for the same matter, would it have gotten to this point of aggravation?

No one is sure whether the two parties would have acted differently if they were of the same racial background.

Maybe something is in the water in Seattle because on April 17th two Seattle Officers kicked a Hispanic suspect.

What makes this video classic is that everyone has a video phone or camera out, as this action occurs.

My reaction is that the world has gone nuts! Point. Blank. Period. POW. Was this punch for public safety or just for some cash flow for the police department?

Click here for the video . Let me know your thoughts and reactions.

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