Overcoming self-defeating behavior: Letting Go of Adult Pouting.

Life is Blurry. We can’t always get what we want. We get what we need.

By Briana Booker

Often in my life I have questioned: Why did this happen? Why did things change? How did such and such action result in this outcome?

In one short word- I was pouting.

As a child and an adult I have been told simply, when questioning experiences and outcomes in life, “Life is not fair.”

But did anyone promise us life would be fair? No.

I realize adult pouting is not necessary. What good does it do to myself or anyone to have an internal pity party for myself? Nothing.

We can not always get what we want. It is that simple. But we can get what we need, if we really seek for it.

Life is not perfect. It never will be. Just because we have not received what we wanted, things have not gone as we hoped, we heard something disagreeable or we had to do something we rather have not done at all…does not mean we can not live fulfilling lives.

I have often looked outwardly to find what I thought I wanted or needed,but now I am starting to understand I have to look at myself and be happy with me- Briana.

I can not control the actions of others,but I can control my actions.Some things are not for everyone, while others are for all.

I am slowly learning to remove myself from negativity. Kindness, understanding and compassion really helps me remove myself from Adult Pouting.

Everyone has skeletons,but it is what you do about yourself and how you reflect on the world if those skeletons will hinder or not hinder you from growing in a positive way and contributing in positive ways.

When your actions hurt someone, apologize and move on to doing greater things! Dwelling in the past never helps anyone- including ones self. It takes time to learn to be grateful for what you do have and stop whining about what you do not have! You made it through today, right?

Then there is not a reason to Pout. Trust me, you will have a much fulfilling life when you live on faith. Remember, all things are temporary.

Here is a great read on getting over self-defeating behavior. I highly recommend it!

By the way, one of my favorite songs- great lesson!

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