Race in America: Mixed, Black, and Everything in Between

I think for us it's so different because we're light skinned. You're not treated as a black woman, you're not treated as a black woman, you're not treated as a white woman. You sort of fit in between. If there's any time in my life that it's been more focused on my race. - Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex.
CNN Video : Duchess, Meghan Markle.

By Briana Booker
If you have not listened to the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle’s, new podcast Archetypes, you are living under a rock.

So far, my favorite episode of Archetypes is Meghan’s interview with Mariah Carey for many reasons. It’s not just about race. Mariah Carey is a survivor of poverty, abuse, and gossip. I fucking love you Mariah Carey. I am saying that with my 1997 Butterfly voice. It’s a must listen:

Mariah Carey Doubles Down on Calling Meghan Markle a ‘Diva’ — in the Most ‘Empowering’ Way

The Duchess of Sussex said “it stopped me in my tracks” when Mariah Carey called her a “diva.” Listen to the Archetypes podcast

#1 New York Times Bestseller: The Meaning of Mariah Carey

It’s a touchy topic. Over centuries skin color became mixed with status around the world. Black , Brown, and White skin complexions of Kings , Queens, and Princesses always existed in the world.  

I’ve had light skin , brown skin, and I tried  so hard to have dark skin because I saw highly intelligent, beautiful black women respected for their minds and beauty. But they were still mistreated due to racism and debate on who deserves high status but fair skin women ( white ) are mistreated too … just differently.

Regardless,  I never fit anywhere and there’s a such thing as skin cancer. I can also tan and severely burn.

But they treat The Duchess, Meghan Markle, poorly as a ‘mixed’ woman because they want people to see black as less than. I call it the “We want to make sure you don’t forget,” moment. If you know, you know. 

But Queen Elizabeth’s family always had black and brown people. They were there long before Queen Elizabeth was born and will be long after our lifetimes.

Once upon a time, there was more partnerships than conquering to gain power in the world. It’s 2022, the world leaders are focusing back on partnerships but still have the weapons in the briefcases.

By the time Queen Elizabeth’s great grand parents were born, royal families had to conquer more than partner.

Guns and weapon supplies make that easy to do. You’d be surprised who created the first guns. Let’s just say, those groups are still calling the shots. 

Why do think there’s always a weapons race? 

Mixed individuals can still have status in this world environment. But who wants status without the respect?

Oprah treats Meghan with respect. And it’s not just about having high status. She knows Meghan is a woman. She knows Meghan is a black woman. She knows Meghan can represent different kinds of women. She knows there are rules to keep high status. 

Most of the bad names I’ve been called in life are by men. But that’s to take away status.

I’ve been called exotic. But that’s to take away my stature and that’s about who leads – a walk to the side or behind. And there are benefits if I choose “right.”

I live in America. I wouldn’t call it modern. It’s just more modern than my ancestors experienced as women. 

I can cook and eat with a man whose courting me.

I can also benefit from his hard work.

Parents want to give their daughter(s) an education for different reasons. The common reason: To maintain or grow status and to make a nice life for their daughter(s) and, if she wants kids, a nice life for their grandchildren ( even if it’s not from her womb).

I can be assertive but I cannot be too assertive.

I can be as sweet to children as I want. 

I can be outspoken and showcase my intelligence. If it’s something that benefits us both, but the world says he takes the spotlight. But there are older men that say “Why can’t you?”

But it grants women a spotlight of their own. Meghan, you’re in the spotlight. What you do with it is sorta up to you. Use the time wisely.

The Duchess, Meghan Markle, has 5 stages she stands on – The Royal Family. Harry ( Prince Harry).  Her Children.  Humanity. Women.

And it’s during a time where black people and other marginalized people are realizing how much status they’ve always had.

I don’t know about you Duchess. But I’m reclaiming my time.

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