He Is Not Your Best Girlfriend. He Is Your Man.

By Briana Booker

In recent months, my thoughts on men have changed for the better. I have always been taught to be suspicious of every man. I have been told from men and women alike, that men “ain’t shit.” Although some men “ain’t shit” others, even with imperfections, are worth lowering the steel walls we, as women, build to protect ourselves.

Those steel walls can prevent us from finding a good man. I would know. I use to keep any intimate partner at a distance to keep “control” of the situation and protect my emotions.

Caring about someone can make you vulnerable if you have no idea where you stand with the person. You learn where you stand by communicating with your intimate partner.

Men and women communicate very differently from each other. The man in my life has taught me that we are different but also the same. Both are looking for the right one. We are also working on personal growth and our careers. Previously, that threaten me in relationships but to see this man grow as an individual is honestly beautiful to me. I want to look out for him. He goes out his way to protect me, even from myself.

An example of this was when I was mad at him not doing something when I wanted him to do it. He instantly asked me why I was mad. I honestly did not have a good reason to be mad besides not getting my way about something petty.

That is when I remembered a few weeks ago we promised each other we would not go to sleep angry at each other as an action  to build the strength of our relationship. I was the one who requested this action be done in our relationship and here I was trying to make an argument over something petty.

This is when I realized my actions matter to someone beyond myself. It was a scary thought but at the same time I felt my soul smile. I kissed him good night and he opened the door. I thought once I got to my car he would have just forgotten about me and went back to what he was doing in his home. Instead I saw him watching me from the window at the front door. I texted him “Why are  you looking out the window?”  He replies back while still looking through the window: “Ha. Just Checking to see if you were ok since you didn’t move.” I told him I could take care of myself. Again, I was falling into old habits from bad relationships with my “I don’t need you” persona I mastered in unhealthy relationships.

But then I realize, he is not my past but my present. So I just smiled and he checked up on me when I got home as well.  It felt good to not only be wanted but that I am cared for by someone who chose me.

I realized the best thing to do is live in the now. Do not linger in the past. And do not think too far in the future. If we are meant to be, then we will be.  We just can not jump to conclusions and keep communicating, even if we fear the unknown.

I was bruised but I was never broken. He shows me it is still okay to bring out the best in me.

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Jealousy: How Women Can Stop Hating And Start Living

By Sherryn Daniel

Jealousy is such an ugly trait and its cousin, Envy, is just as insidious (if not more). Jealousy and envy can mutilate women into emotionally disfigured trolls who seek to only envy and revenge each other.

Envy could be hurting that one woman who sings better than a room full of women. Envy can emotionally hurt a woman that has the best grades in her class. Jealousy can harm the emotional and physical state of a woman who wants to fight another woman that is interested in her man.You do not want envy and jealousy to rule your life purpose.

I hate to break it to you, but we as women all have the potential to be  jealous, envious people. Even you, have the potential to be a conniving, backstabbing, gremlin. Jealousy is an evil trait that flows into our bloodstreams. It is easily set off because of uncontrollable events and if it is not managed well, can turn a seemingly decent woman into her own worst nightmare.

You are definitely lying to me, as well as to your own friends, if you say you have never been jealous of anyone or have done anything harmful due to envy. We all have. We cannot wash our past sins with white lies. What is done is done.

As women we have been stereotyped as manipulative, conniving witches since the dawn of mankind. It is up to us women to come together and stop ruining our lives by behaving the way most men expect us to behave. Even though you cannot go back and erase your past sins due to jealousy, there are ways to combat it before you act upon it.

For starters, you need to be able to identify within yourself when you start acting jealous. Here is how to detect signs of jealousy:

  • Do you feel inferior to someone for her accomplishments (boyfriend, grades, friends, talents, etc)?
  • Do you feel threatened by a woman and try to belittle her accomplishments?
  • Do you try to manipulate someone because you do not believe the person deserves what  she worked hard to accomplish or gain?
  • Do you belittle, put down or condescend people because you feel threatened by them?
  • Do you react negatively to women doing well for themselves?

If you feel like this is true about you, then I want you to know that it is okay, you are human. It is hard to not change your feelings, even if you are a very confident woman. However, it is bad to act out on your jealous behavior and hurt someone. It is also bad to react to a jealous woman who is threatened by you. By doing so, you are giving her what she wants – a negative reaction.

Jealous women try to create emotional warfare amongst other women to lower them to their level.  For example, let us say you have an internship and a jealous woman envys you for always getting there on time, being well-liked and working hard. You know she is  jealous by the way she puts you down as an idiot in front of everyone and purposefully sabotages your projects. She also spreads malicious rumors about you behind your back. She may also be the same person who copies the way you talk, dress or act since she wishes she had what you have in life.

Sounds familiar?

It is easy to feel envious towards her as well and react negatively against her. That is what she wants you to do.

We have all been in the role of the victim and the perpetrator when it comes to the game of jealousy.

Here is  how we as women can combat our own jealous behaviors:

  • Do not compete with her. When you feel threatened by a peer, realize that you are not placed on earth to be like someone else. You are placed on earth to be you and to only compete with yourself to be the best person you can be.
  • You deserve the best. When you feel like you are at your lowest,write up 25 great qualities you have. Doing this exercise will not only distract you but pull you into a better mood.
  • Carry your pride with you. Always carry your 25 great qualities with you. When you feel like you are about to feel insecure about yourself, read the qualities.
  • Stop gossiping about other women. Remember that gossiping about someone and putting them down are clear signs of jealousy ( if  that person did not do anything vicious to you). Not only is it bad behavior but it also makes you into someone who does not deserve respect. You become a petty gossip. If you feel the need to put someone down, try to evaluate your own behavior.  Think.  Would you want someone to do that to you?
  • Do not behave the way she does. If someone is picking on you, do not react! If you do, she wins. Avoid the jealous hater and realize that she only wants what you have right now. Be proud and humble to be you.
  • Think positive. Just because someone is better than you at a skill does not  make you a useless person. There are many beautiful traits you have as a woman, always remember that.
  • Be kind. Just because you dislike the woman, does not mean you have to put her down for it. A confident person will look at the sunny side of a situation and be kind. You do not have to be friends with everyone(since different personality traits can clash) but remember that people are always watching and judging. Do not give them a reason to judge you when you already know you are a wonderful and kind person.
  • Get a hobby. Hobbies, sports and volunteering are great ways for women to develop a stronger sense of identity and feel more confident about their own abilities.
By following these tips,you can combat your own jealous behavior towards other women and you will single-handedly fight the stereotype that all women are manipulative, conniving, backstabbers to each other. Do not waste your time on jealous behavior. Have a better definition of your own life.

By Sherryn Daniel

Sherryn Daniel is a graduate student working on her Masters in Management. Aside from grad school, she maintains her widely popular website: www.sherryndaniel.com which has recently been nominated for a CBS Blog award and Baltimore sun Mobbies award.  Check out Sherryn’s website as well as well as www.fromgirltogirl.com for more guest entries by her.

For more lifestyle enrichment tips, news, community empowerment,advice, and freebies visit  our website Fromgirltogirl.com !

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Briana Fierce: Why I Became A Writer.

Discovering me...one day at a time.

By Briana Booker

I have chosen Broadcast Journalism as a career because I have a passion for uncovering injustice, promoting positive Global/social change and chasing down crucial stories that the community needs to be informed about to empower itself. This is why I decided to major in International Studies. I wanted to be informed about a variety of cross-cultural communications so I could relate to people of all walks of life. There is something remarkable about Journalism, just like music, a media story can connect people all over the world and change the world- in one headline, one vision, or one statement. This is possible more than ever with the online media platform. It is extraordinary.

There is something beautiful about human truth that broadcast journalism can reveal and capture. It honestly captures the essence of life, the human experience. The sorrow is captured. The joy is captured. The determination is captured. The drive is captured. This is life. I thrive on that type of atmosphere. Journalism is an investment to society that spreads information and helps leaders of today and builds leaders of tomorrow. Journalism is an insightful look into the world we live within.  Journalism opens up a medium for discussion of tough topics such as wars on complexion by spreading the word on documentaries such as Dark Girls, the struggle to revive a community broken by self-hatred and mutilation.  I want to be part of this revival of humanity, this movement to a new world order of prosperity through the spread of democracy and quality of life. This is why I have chosen to pursue a career in Broadcast Journalism.



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How To Make a Man Want to Commit: Be Selective

By Briana Booker

Besides having a positive attitude and a life of your own, how do you make your man want to commit to you?

Fromgirltogirl is starting a series on what makes a guy want to commit to you. We will provide you advice on how to get him there without convincing him or playing the mind games.

Tip #1 Show Him You are Selective.

When you show a man you are selective and not every man in the world can have you but the “one”, you draw him closer to you. Men love the thrill of the chase. They love working for something worth having. Sex with a girl that he cares nothing about is like a snack before a holiday feast. It is just for now but he is really anticipating the feast, the big reward.

You can start drawing a man in by saying honestly where you stand on your attitude about relationships. Do not whine about him and what he has not offered yet. You will scare him away by appearing too needy.

Say something around the lines of the following commit reference:

“It is your right to date more than one woman at a time. I understand, but I want you to know I am looking for an exclusive relationship with the right man. I want to find out if we are on the same page before taking our dating further.”

AND NO, IF YOU HAVE BEEN DATING A GUY FOR LESS THAN A MONTH, please do not try the whole, I love you forever and a day. You have to commit to me.

These actions and words are controlling. Honestly, it takes 3 to 4 months on average for people to get out of the lust/ honeymoon stage of dating.

Notice in the statement you made no demands. Because you made no demands, you do not come off needy and unattractive. You are simply letting him know you have standards and you will stick to those standards. He NEEDS to meet those standards before YOU can decide to choose to be with him.

It is that simple. You are presenting him your needs and boundaries. Any man that truly wants you and does not want to lose you will respect that.

Trust me, the right man will ASK YOU for commitment.  And best of all he will think it was his idea the whole time and that he won your affection and passion.

If this does not happen, you know where you stand with him. He just is not that into you but that does not mean that will not change down the line.

But if he does not change( and please do not wait around for change), keep the door to your soul and effort open for someone ready to give you what you need and more. This is one of the stepping stones to forming an amazing and committed relationship.

For more lifestyle enrichment tips, news, community empowerment,advice, and freebies visit  our website Fromgirltogirl.com !

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To Find Love: Learn How To Manage Your Weaknesses

By Briana Booker

Weaknesses. We all have them. If we did not, we would be perfect, but I have not met any perfect person. Shoot, I am not perfect.

With that said, weakness is nothing to be ashamed about. You can find love even with having weaknesses. You just have to learn how to manage your weaknesses the proper way so that you have control of your destiny and  can live a prosperous professional and personal life.

Acknowledging your weaknesses instead of hiding them is important. For example, I am stubborn and have a bad temper when I feel I have been wronged in a romantic relationship. My temper is the worse when I  question why I was mistreated because most of the time I try to give my all to the one I am committed to having a happy and healthy relationship.What can I say? I am a loyal and stubborn Taurus.

No relationship is perfect but if you are given bread crumbs constantly in a relationship while you are offering a luxurious feast, you should find real love. No man or woman that truly loves you would treat you bad constantly…that is not love. That is controlling and abusive.

Living life, I realized losing my temper was not the way to be happy or resolve romantic dilemmas. I realized I needed to learn to work around the flaws of my partner and promote him to do the best for our relationship.

I can not change the past. I can not erase the males I gave a chance to build a healthy and worthy relationship. It is in the past. All I can do is live in the present.

I must live for the now and treat my new partner the right way. I need to work as much as he does to make things grow into something beyond my assumption that all men cheat or lie.

Not every man is a cheater or liar. Not every  woman is a cheater or liar.

Once I stopped making assumptions and predictions about how my relationship would go with a man, that is when things started to look up. I took time to forgive the mistreat of my past to open my soul to someone I like to think is working to be worthy of me.

I can not predict the future. I can only live in the now. And right now, I am taking a leap of faith with the man present in my life. Even if he may or may not be the one, he is teaching me a great deal about myself and him. I am thankful to God for putting a man in my life driving me to grow into better not worse.

My best advice is take your time. Ask questions. Do not be quick tempered when you are confused or uncertain. Most guys, if mature, will try to resolve things with you when they have made mistakes in the relationship. Know your worth. Give him space sometimes to be himself. He will return, if he truly cares for you. You can never keep a man away from a woman he truly loves as much as he loves his life.

And if you need help, here are  a few tips from my relationshipExaminer Column  http://www.examiner.com/dc-in-washington-dc/how-to-make-your-girl-smile ! Print it out for your partner or subscribe. Suggest the tips to him or her. Use it as a guide to build a better relationship with your partner.

For more lifestyle enrichment tips, news, community empowerment,advice, and freebies visit  our website Fromgirltogirl.com !

Check us out on  Facebook  and Twitter !

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Why DSW is Fabulous And Fierce

DSW Fanatic Frenzy Shoe Lover Tote

By Briana Booker

Are you wondering why Fromgirltogirl loves Designer Shoe Warehouse (DSW)? If yes, I am here to tell you why!

Fromgirltogirl loves DSW because of its great customer service and care for its customers! Oh, and the classy and stylish selection of shoes!

Just this week, DSW surprised us with a FREE DSW Fanatic Frenzy gift for the holiday season! DSW gave us a fabulous tote, that’s valued at $28!

No, We did not get it because we are amazing and fierce( although, deep down inside we know our readers and us are amazing and fierce,all day and everyday)! We got our great gift because we spread our shoe lover on Facebook.

You can do the same by liking  DSW on http://www.facebook.com/sctt.woods#!/DSW !

DSW has great giveaways all holiday season and beyond! Join on the fun and style! And become a DSW member for even more exclusive deals!

For more lifestyle enrichment tips, news, community empowerment and advice, and freebies visit  our website Fromgirltogirl.com !

Check us out on  Facebook  and Twitter !

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4 Ways To Have Spicy and Fierce Sex (Without the Sex): Casual dating to Commitment

By Briana Booker

Are you looking for ways to keep your developing romantic relationship passionate and healthy, while transitioning from casual dating to a healthy and committed relationship? If yes, Fromgirltogirl is here to help by giving you ways to have spicy, sexy and fierce, mindblowing sex without having sex with your partner. Read below to learn!

Sex is never anything you want to rush into in a relationship, if you are truly looking for a healthy and committed relationship. Trust me, sex is not the most important element of a healthy,romantic commitment but it sure does not hurt to keep it exciting.

You will never win someone’s love or commitment to you,if you are always readily available to give sex. If you can not respect yourself, no one will respect you sexually, mentally or spiritually.

But enough with the mommy warnings, you can get the man or woman of your dreams by exciting his or her interest. You should not give him or her what he or she wants right from the start. You have to learn how to grow his or her anticipation of what he or she can have completely for his or herself, if  in a committed relationship with you and only you.

Do not be the “main chick” or “man dude”. If you are okay with the degrading title and the actions that come with that title, you need to appreciate yourself more.

But with that said, here are 4 ways to have mindblowing sex that will help you grow commitment with the one you want and not the one you settle for:

Say Proudly You are not Going to Have Sex with Your Partner.

Yes, this sounds strange but it works. The perfect time to do this is during a make-out session with your significant other. Make sure you are looking the person directly in the eyes, so the person knows you are being serious. But do not stop what you are doing. It makes the person know what he or she can not have right now but that anything besides sex is up for grabs. It makes him or her want to earn being worthy of having you in that sense. It will also teach respect and taking the time and effort to respect you.

Use Your Hands

Forget sex and oral sex. You were given hands to explore and to accomplish tasks. With your hands you can be specific with placement, speed, and pressure. When you are with your partner be subtle, graceful and attentive. It will make your partner feel appreciated.

And you can do this just about anywhere – at  the movie showing , a car, or under a table cloth. Do what makes you happy.


Yes, your hands can do plenty, especially when it comes to acting out your partner and your fantasies. Dress up or do not dress up.  Use massage oils and a towel. Relax your partner. Trust me, it will make him or her happy to be cater by you.

Never Underestimate the Power of the Element of Surprise

You can always spice up your sexual and romantic life with the element of surprise. Unexpected but welcoming physical and emotional attention are always amazing to do towards your special someone. It does not matter if intercourse is involved in the matter or not, your partner and you will enjoy getting to know each other better.

Little gestures and caresses during breakfast or affectionate notes hidden in places your partner will find them will keep you on his or her mind all day.  He or she will look forward to alone time with you as soon as possible.

For more lifestyle enrichment tips, news, community empowerment and advice, visit  our website Fromgirltogirl.com !

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Fromgirltogirl “Fiercely Me” Leather Bracelets: The Fight Against Lupus

Fromgirltogirl 'Fiercely Me' Leather Bracelets portion of Proceeds will go to the Lupus Foundation of America
Fromgirltogirl 'Fiercely Me' Leather Bracelets portion of Proceeds will go to the Lupus Foundation of America

By Briana Booker

Fromgirltogirl is selling our “Fiercely me” Leather bracelets for the holidays.A portion of our funds made from the bracelets will be sent to the Lupus Foundation of America, in memory of my brother Anthony, support of my cousin Charisma Parker and support to all going through the challenges from Combating Lupus.  The bracelets are only $13!  Standard color brown. Engraving says “Fiercely Me. Empowered.”

Genuine Leather
Available in 10 Cool Colors
2 Snaps for a Comfortable Fit
240mm x 25mm (about 9.5″ x 1″)
Snaps at a Circumference of 195mm (about 7 5/8″) & 213mm (about 8 3/8″)

Request your order today!

. #Fromgirltogirl #Lupus #Cure

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Fromgirltogirl’s November Lia Sophia Jewelry Party & Fiercely Me Bracelets!

Join Fromgirltogirl for our First Lia Sophia Jewelry Party & Fromgirltogirl's Fiercely Me bracelets for a cure for Lupus!

Fromgirltogirl is having our very 1st Lia Sophia Jewelry Party. We will also be selling our “Fiercely me” Leather bracelets for the holidays.A portion of our funds made from the bracelets will be sent to the Lupus Foundation of America. Stay tune in November for more details. #Fromgirltogirl #Lupus #Cure

Fromgirltogirl Director of Marketing, Charisma Parker, will be blogging soon on her journey through combating Lupus. I lost my brother to Lupus. Finding a cure for it would mean the world to me.

If you want an invite, please like this post. Will be held in Baltimore!


Saturday, November 19 · 5:30pm – 9:00pm

Check out some of the catalog! =)


For more lifestyle enrichment tips, news, community empowerment and advice, visit  our website Fromgirltogirl.com !

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Fromgirltogirl Nominated for the Baltimore Sun’s Mobbies Awards! Start Voting Oct. 31st

Fromgirltogirl is nominated for the Baltimore Sun's Mobbies awards. Categories: Best Reader Engagement
Best Organization Twitter
 Best Facebook Fan Page

Voting starts on Oct. 31(Vote for #Fromgirltogirl), readers will pick a best overall blog in addition to a winner in each category. 

Plan to join us at Illusions Magic Bar on Nov. 15 for the post-Mobbies celebration and unveiling of the winners.

 For more lifestyle enrichment tips, news, community empowerment and advice, visit  our website Fromgirltogirl.com !

Check us out on  Facebook  and Twitter !

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