[Survey] 66% Say Quality Family Time Improves Mental Health

Woman thinking with her brain.
new survey found 79% believe family game nights help combat seasonal depression. 32% of Americans have a game night once a month.
In 2023, 56% plan on spending more quality time with their families. Nearly 3 in 4 encourage their family to stay off their phones during game night. Take a look at the full report.
February/ March is the time of year when seasonal affective disorder starts to kick in.
Here is how Americans combat the winter blues:

Well, a new survey found 79% believe family game nights help combat seasonal depression. In fact, over half of Americans (56%) are focusing on spending more quality time with family this year. 

Additional stats on quality family time:
66% believe quality time with the family improves mental health
42% have family dinners together every night
28% believe family time builds self-esteem

Over 70% believe phones and social media interfere with quality time together.

97% say they feel families should spend even more time together!

On average, Americans spend 9 hours of quality time together per week, but would like to spend around 13 hours together.

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Healthy Habits You Can Incorporate Into Your Family’s Schedule

Creating healthy habits for your family and sticking to them can be challenging, especially when you all have busy schedules. The good news is there are some quick and easy ways to work better choices into your routines. Reducing stress, eating healthy, getting enough rest, and making time for physical activity are a few of the best changes you can make, but the key is to make sure your entire family will get the benefit. Today, Fromgirltogirl has a few tips on how to change your lifestyle for the better and get your family on a healthy track:

Start at Home

When it comes to helping your family feel good, there is no better place to start than at home. Our environment plays such a big role in our physical and mental health that it is crucial to assess those surroundings and make sure they’re in good shape. Removing clutter, organizing pantries and closets, letting in fresh air, and creating a peaceful spot for quiet meditation time. You can change your home for the better. Taking steps to ensure that your home is calm and clean can go a long way toward reducing stress and other negative feelings for your family members.

Alleviate Work Stress

Most of us experience stress at work; make changes to your home to combat half the problem. Fortunately, there are several simple things you can do to keep stress at bay during the workday, especially if you or your spouse work from home. Start by setting up a clean, organized office space that provides the right tools and equipment for your needs, and add live plants for a little mental health boost. It’s also important to make sure you get up and move around during the day rather than sticking to the desk since sedentary jobs can lead to physical health issues. Set up a schedule for the workday that will allow you to stay organized and on task even when life throws you a curveball.

Make Mealtime Family Time

With a busy family schedule, it may not be possible for everyone to sit down for dinner together every night, even if you work from home. However, you can make the most of those nights when you are together by involving the kids in the process of food preparation. Young people get several advantages from working in the kitchen, which are amplified when spending time with their parents. As a parent, you can use that time to talk about their day or make plans for the weekend. Think of healthy meals for the week and include the entire family in the planning process.

Pursue Your Educational and Vocational Goals

One of the best things you can do for yourself – not to mention model positive behavior for your family – is pursue your dreams. Is there a business you’ve always wanted to start or an educational goal you’ve been putting off? If you have a passion for helping others, for instance, going back to school for a degree in nursing is a great way to start. And thanks to the flexibility of online learning, you can work at your own pace, without needing to take time off to focus on your studies.

Take Up a Hobby Together

Whether you and your loved ones discover a passion for cooking and baking or you want to do something more active, enjoying a hobby together can bring you closer while boosting your overall well being. You might ride bikes, play a sport, make art, or get into gaming. You can even take a local class together or learn more about a common interest through a how-to activity. Most hobbies can help us reduce stress and anxiety, and some can also help us stay fit, making them perfect for family-sized fun.

Fromgirltogirl (FG2G) is a healthy lifestyle consultant and trusted news source for audiences of all ages. To learn more about the FG2G community, explore our website, services and use the hashtag #FG2G on social media.

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