Lessons to Help You Work Bravely

Women supporting women in career development by building up self-esteem.

We’ve all experienced a lack of self-confidence at one point or another. From not making a sports team in school to being rejected by a job we really wanted, self-confidence is something women struggle with their entire lives.

When women advance in the workforce there can be many uncertainties that fill their heads—am I qualified for this role? Can someone do this better than me? Unfortunately, there are hurdles in women’s minds that discourage self-promotion, confidence and taking risks. 

In celebration of International Women’s Month, we encourage women to bravely open themselves up to new challenges that will be beneficial for their careers. To help you navigate uncharted waters, you can look to female experts in business, management, and leadership to help you befriend your inner critic, overcome self-doubt, and move forward in your career bravely.

Below we will share a few words of wisdom from experts to boost your confidence and help you work bravely. 

Be Flawsome

Striving for perfection, might be your kryptonite. When you set unrealistic expectations for yourself, you’ll only let yourself down when and if you don’t reach them. Speaker and consultant, Dr. Margie Warrel, recommends showing yourself some compassion when she wrote in an article for Forbes to be “flawsome.” Being flawsome means to embrace your humanity and own your fallibility. 

Seek Out Mentorship

The next lesson in working more bravely, is to seek out mentorship from someone you can learn from and share your aspirations with. Mentorship is critical to female professionals, as a mentor can push you to seek out advancement and help make sure you have the tools to be successful. Entrepreneur Liz Elting wrote in an article for Forbes that “Mentorship creates the opportunities that open more doors to more women, which just keeps the ball rolling.”

Practice Vulnerability

Studies show that there is no courage without vulnerability. The same rings true in the workforce. Author and researcher on vulnerability, Brené Brown, believes that the only way humans can truly connect is to embrace vulnerability. In order to be a rising leader in your organization, you must be honest with others and share your most authentic self. 

We hope these few nuggets of advice from female leaders has inspired you to take steps in your career bravely and confidently. For more insight, explore Tommy John’s full article on self-confidence lessons or note their infographic below!

Self-Confidence Lessons

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INOFGRAPHIC: ‘Where are all the women leaders?’ | Just the facts

In the last century, women have made big strides for women’s rights but we are still struggling to be equally represented in leadership roles. World leadership only includes 20 women, with only 12% of the world’s board seats occupied by women. This inforgraphic below from Philip Boschman, the marketing manager at Trainwest, examines the current status of female leadership around the world. It also displays some of the reasons why women still face a glass ceiling across many sectors and explains why it is important we continue the journey to not just shatter, but break the glass ceiling for good.

Infographic on women leadership around the world
Infographic credit: Philip Boschman

About Trainwest

 Trainwest is a provider of high quality training courses in Perth, Australia.  The company offers a first-class experience that is based on up-to-date practices and skills used in the workplace and across industry. It prides itself on the quality of service it provides, aiming is to continuously improve on the level of service we offer in all areas.

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