Top fitness videos: Schiller Fitness’ 5 minute hotel workout

Are you looking for  fitness routine that you can commit to doing daily or weekly? Then we recommend checking out the Schiller Fitness channel on YouTube. What is Schiller Fitness? Schiller Fitness is a lifestyle approach to health and wellness and one of the most laid back fitness channels we have seen on YouTube.  But that’s not why we watch. We watch because the guy is very passionate about surfing and fitness while being highly informative about getting a good workout in. Below is a cool hotel workout you can do right on vacation or even at home. Check it out and let us know how it works out for you:

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How to tone it up: Adding fitness to lifestyle

Sweat and fitness with Briana Booker
     7 days a week, for a least 1 hour a day fitness.

When I was younger it was so easy to work out and stay slim and trim. I took dance at least 3 times a week and could easily do pull ups and more. But life happened, I got lazy with my routine and even suffered from depression due to loss of loved ones, economic stress and the challenges we all face from time to time in life. Honestly, life is hard and sometimes you just want a break from the stress.

But enough about that…I’m ready to get back in shape and continue my journey to feel in control of life and accept happiness as a lifestyle choice. In other words this chick is ready to go from fat to fit ( although I’m not fit…just not in the shape I’m use to being in).

I’m looking forward to the journey because it’s the first time I’m doing something because I’m inspired to do so. I’m doing this for me…not anybody else and it feels good. So what’s my strategy to lose weight?

I’m making a promise to myself to workout 7 days a week for 1 hour or more each day to increase my physical fitness and improve my health. Right now I want to focus on my core and upper body strength. Here is how I plan to do it:

  • 35-40 minutes of cycling
  • 20-40+ leg press
  • 50+ weight lifting
  • 10 minute walk

Once I feel capable of doing adequate pull ups will be my next step, but I’m determined to tone my core, lose weight, build up my upper body strength and tone up my legs. I’m going to track my results 3, 6, 9, 12 to improve my health. It’s important to me to keep my eyes on the prize for myself  and gradually make it a habit.

Leg press fitness
Using the leg press is a great way to tone up your core.

To make sure I don’t give up on my workout routine, I don’t plan to do anything extreme until I’m ready for it. I’m doing this specifically to make sure I continue working out no matter where I may be. This is my best time to get back into the shape I was in at 16 because there is no justification to put it off. I thank God for putting me in a place to get myself back into really good shape. I’m ready to find the time to get into a regular exercise routine. I’m here to do it now so I won’t regret never doing it at all.

In addition to increasing exercise, I am going to continue working on my healthy eats and beverages. This includes drinking lemon water or plain water before meals to make sure I am full ahead of meal times. This is a great way to prevent one’s self from shoveling food and adding on unnecessary calories. Portion control plays a major role into weight loss and I am here for it. I’m not here to deny myself of food, but I am here … mindful of what I put in my body. I especially think will help me because I already do plenty of home cooking to stay mindful of the food I eat. Here is to living healthier. I’ll keep you up to date on my journey.

– Briana Booker, Editor of Fromgirltogirl

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You Don’t have to Starve yourself to stay Fit

Talked to my doctor this week and so glad maintaining a healthy diet doesn’t require starving yourself. My doctor told me I can eat pretty much anything as long as I balance it with regular exercise. Bottom line: you don’t have to skip meals or try ridiculous diets. You just have to discipline yourself. Here is a meal I made last night for dinner. I tossed some red onions, with sliced steak, fresh salmon, cheese and a tortilla made with spinach and kale.


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The Year of The Weight Lifter

strongBy Briana Bookerv/strong I came to the realization that I am no longer 17 years old. My body is not as fast as it use to be. My body is not as slim as it use to be. But here I stand as the best woman I have ever been thus far. I guess it is true, looks are not everything. Although I am aging, I still want to keep up my health and appearance. I will never be someone that settles for letting myself go. I love myself. With that said, I would like to push myself to be better than my previous self by dedicating a few hours weekly to weight lifting. I am working on my core, which I notice is not as fit as it use to be. The love of my life ( or I would like to think he is the love of my life) thinks my new found curves are beautiful but I want the 17 year old me to travel with the wonderful woman I am becoming now. Who knows, I might just surpass the 17 year old me. I am up for the challenge. Stay tuned.

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How To Be Slim And Trim in 2012: Drink Green Tea

Green Tea can help you lose weight!


Are you looking for a way to lose a few pounds this year without endangering your health? If yes, you will be happy to hear it only takes a few sips of Green Tea to get started!

Green tea is great for your skin health and it is made of disease fighting antioxidants! To lose weight with Green tea, drink it with meals that are topped with black pepper. The antioxidant that fights against fat is called EGCG that is contained in green tea. It can reduce your body fat by 130% if you regularly drink green tea.

So what are you waiting for? Drink up!


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