[Study] Half of Americans Say Their Dream Home is “Unattainable”

Florida dream home.
Home ownership across generations by the numbers
While the real estate market seems to be cooling a bit, skyrocketing mortgage rates are driving affordability to the lowest level since the 1980s. Americans are taking notice and realizing their dream home may never be in the cards. I wanted to make sure you saw the report I sent last week on American’s dream homes.

More than 1,000 Americans across each generation were surveyed. The study found 90% believe owning a home is part of the American dream but 51% say it isn’t attainable. 

Still, renters are hopeful they will get into a home soon. The report includes generational insights on what people are looking for in their ideal home and how many wish to own a vacation home.

 If you close your eyes and picture your dream home, does it look similar to where you’re currently living?

For the overwhelming majority, that dream home is just a dream. 

IPX1031 surveyed more than 1,000 Americans across each generation about their dream homes. 94% said they are not currently living in their dream home, with the top reason being they cannot afford it. 

What would those dream homes look like? Where are the dream homes located? How much would the dream homes cost?

The study found…
 – Modern was the top architecture and interior design style
– 57% prefer new construction over renovating a home
– 35% want four beds
– 38% want 3 baths

The most desired dream home features…
1. A view
2. Big backyard
3. A Large family room
4. Front porch 

The top luxury amenities people are looking for are land and privacy (59%), a hobby room (48%), and a home theater (42%).

51% said their dream home is out of reach, with half of millennials estimating their dream home would cost between $500,000 to over a million dollars. 

Take a look at the full report, which also includes generational insights on what people are looking for in their ideal home, how many renters plan to become homeowners in the next five years, and which generation wants to own a vacation home.

For unboxing of dream home features ( fridges, kitchen appliances, bathroom remodeling, or kitchen remodeling) or informational articles, email advertise@fromgirltogirl.com for pricing or requests.
To dream home states are California, Florida, New York, Washington, and Colorado.
Dream home features  and amenites
Dream home estate

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