10 resolutions to thrive as a Couple: Relationship Tips

Couples in a Relationship.

Happy New Year! Many of us are working on our 2023 resolutions for career, health, and financial. It is also important to keep your romantic relationship in mind when setting goals for 2023. 

Sexual wellness brand Lovehoney has partnered with relationship expert Callisto Adams to help explain why setting New Year’s resolutions as a couple is important, and to offer her advice on resolutions couples should make for happier and healthier relationships in 2023. 

Read below her New Year’s resolutions couples should make in 2023 for happier and healthier relationships.

Why can setting New Year’s resolutions as a couple be beneficial? 

New Year’s resolutions can help to promote open and honest communication between partners, as they discuss their goals and aspirations for the year ahead. This can foster a deeper understanding of each other’s needs, values, and priorities, and can help to identify any potential areas of conflict or misunderstanding.

Setting resolutions together can provide a sense of shared purpose and direction, and can help couples to work towards common goals and visions for the future. Resolutions can also provide a sense of accountability and motivation, as you track your progress and support each other in achieving your goals. They can help couples to learn and grow together, and can provide opportunities for personal and relationship development.

10 New Year’s resolutions for couples to have a healthy relationship

  1. Communicate openly and honestly with each other –  As a couple, express your thoughts, feelings, and needs in a clear and respectful way. Listen actively to your partner’s perspective.
  2. Practise gratitude and appreciation for each other – Take the time to notice and acknowledge the small things that your partner does to support and care for you, and express your gratitude for your partner’s love and support.
  3. Prioritize quality time together – Make time for each other on a regular basis, and engage in activities and experiences that you both enjoy.
  4. Practice healthy conflict resolution – Learn to communicate and problem-solve effectively, and avoid behaviours such as blame, criticism, or stonewalling.
  5. Support each other’s growth and development – Encourage each other to pursue your individual goals and interests, and support each other through challenges and setbacks.
  6. Practise self-care and self-compassion – Take care of your own physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and be kind and understanding with yourself when you make mistakes or struggle.
  7. Foster intimacy and connection – Build emotional, physical, and sexual intimacy with each other, and make time for intimacy and connection on a regular basis.
  8. Strengthen your support network – Build and maintain connections with friends, family, and other important people in your life, and seek help and support when needed.
  9. Learn from past mistakes and challenges – Reflect on past challenges and conflicts, and learn from them in order to grow and improve as a couple.
  10. Make a plan for the future – This means setting goals and making plans together for the future, and working towards a shared vision of what you want your relationship to be.

Overall, these New Year’s resolutions can help couples to create a happy and healthy relationship by focusing on communication, gratitude, quality time, conflict resolution, support, self-care, intimacy, connection, support, learning, and planning.

If you’re looking to spice up your sex life and try something new with your partner this New Year, see Lovehoney’s range of couples’ sex toys here: https://www.lovehoney.com.au/sex-toys/sex-toys-for-couples/ 

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How to have great sex while having a chronic illness

Joanna Charnas shares her tips for having great sex while facing the challenges of chronic illness

Do you have a chronic illness? That does not mean the end to having great sex. As those sexually active know, quality of sex can also affect quality of life and intimacy.

Suffering from Chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS) since her teens, Joanna Charnas (LCSW and Huff-Post blogger), is now enjoying the best and most fulfilling sex of her life. The author of 100 Tips and Tools for Managing Chronic Illness gives a few reasons why:
•    Switch up your sex life.  Your body is different, so how you enjoy sex can be different too. Use your illness as an invitation to play and experiment. Try sex toys, role-play, or anything you’ve always wanted to explore – you’ve got built-in permission.

•    Communicate what feels good to your sex partner as well as what does not. It’s okay to say, “if you touch my neck again I’ll scream like when little Suzy had colic, but why don’t you try licking the back of my knee?” Be bold and think outside of your routine. You won’t regret it.

•    Timing may be important. Especially if you live with pain. Try a quickie at a time you usually are doing the laundry. See if different times of day are better for you and your particular needs.

•    Remember: There is a big sexual menu. You don’t need a week in a secluded cabin in Maine to explore all of your options. Consider buying some sex books. Use the Kama Sutra to explore different positions, or the Joy of Sex to answer sensitive questions. Do whatever works and is consensual but more importantly, have fun.
The book, that Library Journal calls, “An excellent resource worthy of multiple reads. For those with a determined spirit during discouraging times,” is available on amazon.com. You may also be interested in visiting the website JoannaCharnas.com to learn more.





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