[Survey] 66% Say Quality Family Time Improves Mental Health

Woman thinking with her brain.
new survey found 79% believe family game nights help combat seasonal depression. 32% of Americans have a game night once a month.
In 2023, 56% plan on spending more quality time with their families. Nearly 3 in 4 encourage their family to stay off their phones during game night. Take a look at the full report.
February/ March is the time of year when seasonal affective disorder starts to kick in.
Here is how Americans combat the winter blues:

Well, a new survey found 79% believe family game nights help combat seasonal depression. In fact, over half of Americans (56%) are focusing on spending more quality time with family this year. 

Additional stats on quality family time:
66% believe quality time with the family improves mental health
42% have family dinners together every night
28% believe family time builds self-esteem

Over 70% believe phones and social media interfere with quality time together.

97% say they feel families should spend even more time together!

On average, Americans spend 9 hours of quality time together per week, but would like to spend around 13 hours together.

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