W.T.F Moments: Alvin Greene runs for South Carolina Senate…how?

By Briana Booker

What the hell is with this country? How did Alvin Greene, an unemployed veteran, win the primary and become a democratic senate nominee in South Carolina? I am not sure how he surpassed $10,400 filing fee to be a nominee but it is notable.  If he had that money why was he able to obtain an indigent attorney? Is this a joke?

Greene is stuttering through an interview on Youtube  and to be honest this embarrasses Black people. If you are going to run for something, be educated on the matters at hand. And present one’s self strongly in verbal communication. He is no Obama. But, I wish the guy the best of luck if he can pull this off! Who knows, he might be a 50 cent, go from unemployment to riches!

Here is the interview here . Let me know your thoughts!


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