Women Trailblazers of AR & VR: Reekita Gala

Reekita Gala is a female trailblazer of the augmented and virtual reality world. Learn how she's leading the way for better use of AR/VR across industries, including the medical world.

Once upon a time, the tech world was a man’s world. Now women are having our say in some of the highest leadership roles and high-paying job roles available in the industry. Reekita Gala, one of the biggest name in the virtual and augmented reality (AR) field is one of the women trail blazing for generations of females to come in the once designated Boys’ Club.

About Reekita Gala

Reekita Gala is one of the first women in history to create a marketing, sales, and business consulting company tailored towards virtual reality (VR) and AR across industries. Gala educates people on how to best use VR and AR for branding and overall business growth. How does Gala do it? She offers e-courses, personal training, and mentoring programs to business owners about ways VR and AR can work for them, including maximizing profits.  For example, Gala helped create augmented reality setups to make training new staff easier.  She also helps organizations market products such as real estate and manufacturing concepts.

Now Gala is showing how VR can change the world of medicine in the form of medical testing, surgical procedures, and medical student instruction. VR technological implementation may lead to streamlined medical and better education for medical students. This is one of the reasons Gala has started to reach out to fellow VR/AR thought leaders in order to create technology that could save millions of lives.

To learn more about Reekita Gala, the VR/AR tech world, and how she juggles being a CEO, wife, and mother, visit  her company website VRARE.

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