“Wow… WTF” moments: White Teacher says ‘Nigga sit down.’ In the classroom.

By Briana Booker

Now, I have heard and been called a ‘nigga’ quite a few times in my life. Some by family, friends  classmates, homeless people but never by a teacher. I am actually laughing about this video! The world is crazy. You would think a honors English teacher would not call a student in his class a nigga.  I mean Shakespeare used more eloquent words than that! Jeez.

I do not care what race you are…black, white, green, purple, yellow, red, pink, orange, or blue, this is a good laugh out loud moment! The best part is that this guy STILL has his job( he tried using posters to justify his actions)!

For those who do not know, some Black people, not all black people, call each other nigga because they are showing that a word does not define who they are as people. A word that was used to demean us, does not have that power to do that anymore. To be honest, Black people need to learn to work together. It is a disgrace when you are your largest barrier to success. Think about it.

If you succeed, help your community succeed. I give mad props to the Irish and Jewish community. They definitely learned to work with one another, after historical events gave them no other option. Remember, there is no I in team. Get it together people. Oh, and check out the video!


If you can not see the video click here.

What do you think of this scenario? Is diversity training enough to help this teacher not be ignorant about the culture of his students?

Either way, I can roll with this one:


If you can not see this click here!

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