Betty Fierce: What can not Betty White do?

By Briana Booker

When I think of a comical, classy, intelligent, and successful woman many names pop up in my mind. But one woman, off the top of my head,that tremendously extirpates these traits is actress Betty White. White is 88 years old but looks about 30 years younger. Not only can she act but she can write! Recently she signed a deal to write two books for G.P Putman’s Sons.

One book is called Listen Up! about the life lessons she has learned through her acting career. The second book is called The Zoo and I about the animals at the Los Angeles Zoo where she is a board member as well as an animal rights advocate!

Can you say best seller on the move? I can. Betty White is living proof that age does not define your potential to do what you love, ever.

Both books are expected to be out Spring 2011.

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