Acid Test: Why is He Having Sex With Me?

ACID TEST: There are only 2 purposes to sex: 1. Pleasure 2. To make a baby. A man will lay down with you for his pleasure. If he doesn’t ever mention a future with you, stop having sex with him because everytime you have sex with him you take the chance of having a baby. & if he never had plans to commit to you, he won’t try just because he got you pregnant. Think about it. We call these types of men bums. Avoid at all cause. Like Fromgirltogirl on Facebook for more valuable advice :

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How To Remove Toxic Friendships & Toxic Lovers From Your Life

By Briana Booker

Life is about adaption, acceptance and rejection.  Sometimes we have to evaluate our lives in order to see what’s dragging us down and what’s uplifting us to be better people and do better things for ourselves and others. One necessary action, from time to time, is removing toxic relationships from our lives.

Toxic relationships can infiltrate every part of our lives if we allow them to have unchecked power. Toxic relationships know no boundaries and find pleasure making your life one huge festival of misery. The worst types of toxic relationships are toxic friendships and toxic romantic partners.

What are toxic friendships?

Toxic friendships are relationships where the word ‘friend’ is used liberally but those given the title take everything while giving nothing. These friends also require high demands of you but sets low standard for what they will bring to the relationship. In fact, those relationships are not friendships but situations where those titled as friends are really master manipulators. In no shape or form are these people willing to accept and follow through on the concept of giving and taking.

If this sounds like friends you have in your life, immediately drop the relationships like it’s hot. This includes removing their telephone numbers from your contact list and not arranging outings with these low lifes. It doesn’t matter if you have common friends. Real friends will always make time to interact with you at different times and not stir up gossip.

Eventually they will get the message you no longer want to continue the toxic friendships. Results: They will find another victim and leave you alone or they will mature and become a real friend.

Bottom line: Don’t wait for anyone to treat you better because if people wanted to be a good friend to you…they wouldn’t be inconsiderate. Good friends are simply good friends.  They don’t make excuses for being bad friends.

Don’t be available to those who lack commitment. Be too committed elsewhere to participate in toxic friendships. Eventually, you will meet real friends.

Speaking of being too available, remove that toxic romance out of your life as well. Yes, all romantic relationships have ups and downs but there comes a time where lack of commitment and lack of desire to resolve problems becomes intolerable. Arguments should never surpass a couple of days. Silent treatment should never be tactic to “win” an argument.

In romantic relationships, it’s about working through problems together and enjoying the good times together. No shape or form should one put in more effort than the other in making the relationship work. Checks and balances are a necessity.

If your relationship has any degree of emotional or physical abuse, you need to end your relationship with the person in a public place. Try a coffee shop or outdoor gathering.

Most egoistical people hate looking unfavorable in public so the person won’t make a scene. If you need to arrange to pick up any of your stuff, bring several people with you. This is for your safety. Don’t be foolish. You don’t know what state the person may be after the break up.

Once the break up is official and you have no personal property in the previous significant other possession, don’t take any text messages, emails or calls from the person. If the person threatens you, file a police report.

Remember people don’t change into better people unless they want to change into better people.

Move forward and never look back. These relationships are called toxic relationships because they are bad for physical, mental and spiritual health. Love yourself enough to know you can and will do better.

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Why He Hasn’t Claimed You As His

Anytime a guy says he isn’t ready for a relationship or ready to claim you, it’s a cop out. He is one or all of the following: 1. He thinks since his last relationship failed this one will too. 2 . He has no idea what he wants in life, himself & seeing you is comfortable so he figures why change the present situation. 3. He wants a relationship but he doesn’t think you can complete the role. Guys are stubborn …they rather predict an outcome than make an effort to have a good outcome. IN all scenarios keep bettering who YOU ARE! If he mans up , he will return & step up as a man ready to commit. If he doesn’t, who cares…the Obama of your life is coming lol. You just have to be patient & love yourself enough to not settle for less than you want out of a relationship. !

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Where Do All The Nice Guys Hangout At?

An young lady ask me where do all the nice guys that want relationships hangout at. My answer: THEY don’t have a club where they all meet up but there are ways to spot a great man that will commit but you can’t look at just his looks or accomplishments. You have to look at the whole picture…including what kind of friends he has, how he treats women / how the friends treat women & how he interacts with his family. It’s all about character traits. Birds of a feather often flock together.

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Accepting Your Friend’s Lover

The best thing single people can do (especially Black Singles)when their friends get into steady, healthy relationships, is to simply STAY in your LANE. Stop giving advice you can’t give. You’ll find happiness in time. No, your friendship isn’t in jeopardy because your friend found love. Chillax. Couples often put YOU in situations to find real love too. Let people be happy.

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We Can Have It All

I believe women, & this includes Black women, can have it all. ” You can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan & never let your mister forget he’s a man.” it’s not easy but it’s possible when we stop settling for less , learn to appreciate ourselves & discover what we want out of life.

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He is a Father. Not A Baby Daddy.

This goes out to all my self proclaimed baby mamas. You are a mom. He is your child’s father. He needs to be a real dad even if he chooses not to make a life with you. A child is involved now & the first impressions you demonstrate of ” love” will affect that child for a lifetime. Stop the whole that’s my baby daddy. It’s foolish. That’s my child’s father is a respectful title.


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