Credit Cards beneficial? The Do’s and the Don’ts

By Briana Booker

Have you ever ranked the credit cards you used? Have you ever considered one credit card to be more beneficial than the rest? There is rumor that Charles Schwab and Fidelity Investments might have one of the best credit card deals in the USA!
It offers 2% cash-back cards, however the company no longer accepts new applications! To get on this deal,  you must be under the original contract since April 1st,2010. People are requesting for the new application offer to be renewed.

As of right now, the top five credit card companies are Chase, Bank of America, Citibank, American Express and Capital one! They hold 70% of the credit card industry market share. Note, there are about 1,000 different credit card companies.

Our best advice for you, if you are looking for a new credit card any time soon, is to obtain a credit card from a small bank or credit union. At these facilities you are most likely to find the best deal. Remember, with credit cards anything borrowed must be repaid back! 
Be careful of reward cards more than your average credit card! Reward cards have higher interest rates and take longer to repay back! We only recommend having a reward card if you are a person who routinely pays your bill in full every month!
If you slowly pay credit card balances down, try to get a credit card with non-rewards and a low interest rate.
Credit cards can build credit,but they can also ruin your credit reputation! Be careful and only use when necessary! You will thank me later! Be wise and stay informed!

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