Fashion Fierce:


Iron Fist
By Briana Booker

Hello Fromgirltogirl readers! We will now be giving you fashion do’s and do not’s on our new Fashion Fierce page! We will show you how we shop and where we shop! Be a Fabshionista with us!

Recently we discovered a wonderful  website called JustFab at !

JustFabulous is a monthly VIP membership Program that gives normal girls and women like us access to celebrity stylists, shoes and handbags! JustFab believes all females are created equal and deserve the best fashion-forward designs regardless of social status! As a result, JustFabulous is an intimate, upscale Boutique that combines the sophistication of celebrity stylist with personal shopping to give us empowering females a wonderful shopping experience!

What we love best about is that style experts review our individual style before recommending items to us! It is shopping all focused on our personal fashion preferences. All JustFabulous items are $39.95 with FREE shipping!

We get personalized,star treatment without the overwhelming price tag! It is great! We highly recommend you check it out!


– Fromgirltogirl

Get Ripe. Get Bold. Get Excellence.

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