How to be a supportive boss

Black female boss thinking over today's tasks.
Founder and business executive in the service industry for over 20 years, Jonathan Shroyer has learned how to cultivate and retain the right workers for companies. Anyone in management should learn how to build good teams.

Here are some of Shroyers tips on how bosses can become great leaders to their teams and people:

Work alongside your team members. Leaders who see themselves as team players and work with their teams create an environment that is effective and efficient. Team members feel like they are supported and have a boss they can depend on and look to as a leader, not just a boss.

Acknowledge efforts. When you accomplish something, you want people to acknowledge it, right? Having a boss that recognizes their team members’ efforts and accomplishments can go a long way to improving the company culture. When success is acknowledged, it is more likely to become a common pattern over time, which will help leaders, employees and the business in the long-run.

Operate and conduct business with compassion and directness. Life and mistakes happen. It is important for leaders to conduct themselves with empathy when things happen. A lack of compassion will lead to high turnover, negative company culture and will decrease productivity, with people spending more time concerned about being the boss’ next target than their actual job tasks. When a team member makes a mistake, a great leader will be direct, but kind and work to resolve the situation immediately. If a team member needs to take an unexpected sick day, a great leader will be understanding and compassionate.

Create an environment where professional relationships can flourish. We spend what equates to years of our lives working alongside our coworkers and our bosses. Professional relationships are essential for many people and can go a long way to creating a successful business environment. Great leaders will understand the value in professional relationships and will work to build those relationships for their teams.

Be supportive and listen. Someone who actively listens to you is a great person to have in your corner. You feel supported, heard and safe with people who listen and care about you defend you no matter who is in the room. A great boss understands and listens to their team members.

Jonathan Shroyer founded Officium Labs back in 2019. He is now the Chief CX Innovation Officer at Arise Virtual Solutions. There, he leads the gaming and consulting verticals and runs the CX Lab in San Francisco. Shroyer has over two decades of experience building companies and leaders up. CIO Journal, a publication of The Wall Street Journal, named Shroyer among its “Top CX Professionals of 2022.

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