How to decrease the expectation & performance gaps of your relationship.

You’ll make it-together.

By Briana Booker

Relationships come in 5 stages: 1.Need recognition. 2. Info search. 3. Evaluation of alternatives. 4. The relationship 5. Post relationship.

When you have personal and common bonds with your significant other, it legitimizes your relationship! The key to building a strong relationship is to learn to satisfy each other. The larger the gap between expectations & performance, the greater dissatisfaction will happen in the relationship. Dissatisfaction deteriorates love and dooms the relationship. Therefore, expectations & performance gaps suggest you should promise only what you can deliver.Do not make promises you can not keep. If you deliver,you can keep your partner & you satisfied, vice versa. 

Remember, every great relationship must involve compromise in every decision. You are not only looking out for yourself anymore; you are looking out for another spirit that deserve love just as you deserve. It is important to satisfy your partner because its a key element for building up a profitable relationship.

A satisfied partner will talk favorably of his or her partner. A satisfied partner pays less attention to competing mates. A satisfied partner aims to delight his or her partner. When satisfaction exist, life-time partnership is created.

The lesson for today is working on finding what your partner needs. Observe body language, interest and above all listen to your partner.You will start to learn what truly satisfies your partner.

Here is a wonderful book I think all couples should read together. Enjoy!

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