Nationwide Black Owned Business Directories

Black Owned Business DMV and Nationwide Movement
Poor leaders destroy communities, great leaders build communities up. When you meet new people, you should ask ” How can I help you?” Those who network with passion and a purpose generate the most opportunities, new ideas and support. That one question can lead you to a better job, the love of your life, a fulfilling experience or your self discovery. When you focus on giving, the world will give onto you. So, how can I help you?

When you want your voice heard, you need to stand for something. I like to think you need to stand for something meaning.

This week I am truly inspired how many citizens of the United States have come together in Brooklyn, New York to create a living document on Black-Owned New York businesses, and they did not create this directory for the holiday season. They created this directory to empower people.

If you would like a link to the Google Doc( to add to it or you want to know where to shop for the holidays that supports YOUR community), I am happy to share.

So far we have developing directories for New York, Baltimore, and DC.

If people are interested in creating a Google Doc of Black Owned Business in your state, I am happy to circulate that.

Healthy communities invest inward as well as outward, but you have to start within first.

Have a look at the  existing directories of Black Owned Businesses now and add to it if you feel inspired!

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