Human Rights in Syria: Should the U.S. intervene in Syria?

By Briana Booker

Human rights violations are happening in Syria.  Many Americans are against  the U.S. Intervening in Syria. Do I believe the United States of America government should intervene in Syria with military action?

In my honest opinion, I believe intervention is necessary. I believe we cannot turn a blind eye as chemical warfare used on innocent people.

Who will protect these innocent people from their own government?

The Syrian government has the upper-hand and the citizens are helpless.

I know a U.S. military strike can cost millions of dollars. I know U.S. militants could die in the process of protecting Syrians.

I know there are no winners in war.

But my soul believes in doing something when injustice happens to the vulnerable.

With that said, I also know there are great risks that come with a Syria intervention.

Here are some of the risks:

  • Any U.S. military strike against Syria could stack up the civilian casualties even more. This is why the U.S. government has to make a careful, wise decision.  The U.S. government must come up with a target list that truly will dismantle the corrupt Syrian government.
  • Syria is having a civil war. If Assad feels the civilians are gaining an edge on his military strikes, he will increase the initiative to massacre more civilians so that he may break down his opposition.
  • More chemical weapon usage. Anyone that believes Assad isn’t using chemical warfare is living in a fantasy world. People don’t foam from the mouth without cause.
  • If the U.S. strikes are ineffective, Assad will appear stronger to his allies.  Remember, power is all about perception.
  • Democracy as we know it doesn’t work too well in the Arab world. We cannot take strike on Syria with the goal to make it a mini America.  The U.S. has very little allies in the Arab world. We do not need anymore anti-American movements in the Arab world.
  • The chemical weapons Assad is using on his own people can fall in the wrong hands after the regime collapses. When trouble comes, the chemical weapons will sell fast. There’s always the chance a more horrible villain will take Assad’s place.

With all the risks at hand, I still believe an intervention is necessary.

I believe the U.S. government needs to protect Syrians because  the United States is a world leader and we say we stand for human rights.

When we say we stand for something, we have to show we stand for protecting human rights. Otherwise, we down play our creditable as true leaders of human rights.

What’s happening in Syria is a genocide. It is a war crime, a crime against all humanity.

More than 100,000 Syrians have already died at the hands of their own government. 5 million Syrians are already displaced.

2 million Syrians are now refugees because of the atrocities the Syrian government has committed.

If this civil war continues to escalate Christians, Sunnis, Alawites and other groups in Syria could become victims of genocidal violence.

Yet we are okay with the international community ignoring  cries for help by Syrian civilians?

I am not okay with that.

When we allow injustice to happen, we volunteer ourselves to repeat history.

Do we save lives or do we say “not our problem,”?

Would we want the world to ignore our cries for help if our government violently attacked us?

I think not.

If you are not familiar with R2P, also known as the responsibility to protect,  you need to get familiar.

R2P allows the international community to protect civilians from governments that fail to protect civilians or willingly attack their civilians.

Under R2P, military action is  a last resort and the U.N. Security Council must approve of military action.

However many in the Arab World believe R2P actually helps regimes to harm their civilians by impeding the process for civilian protection.

But the high level of political involvement correlated with R2P can help subdue violence, from diplomatic efforts to outright military action.

In the case of Syria, I think diplomatic efforts are out of the question.  No conversation is going to stop Assad from slaughtering civilians.

Syria we  should have addressed two years ago with R2P when the Assad Regime shot protesters to death. Now, it’s out of control.  It is time to dismantle the Assad regime. I think it’s time for a military strike and not just from America. The international community needs to come together about this crisis.

What are your thoughts? Should we intervene or not? Why?

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The fight against Parkinson’s Disease: Donate to Moving Day Pittsburgh Walk

My wonderful, supportive friend Stacey’s sister Courtney is participating in the Moving Day Pittsburgh Walk on September 29th. This walk helps raise awareness for people with Parkinson’s Disease. As some of you may know, my friend’s incredible mom has lived with Parkinson’s for over 20 years. It would mean a great deal to us if you could donate to this amazing cause by clicking on the link below. DONATE & SHARE THE LINK:

Thank you in advance!

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Open Letter To Alex Miller

Alex, you know what’s really incredible about you?

If you thought the answer was your handsome features, that is not my answer.

Although you being absolutely amazing looking doesn’t hurt, it’s who you are as a man that makes you simply irresistible, irreplaceable.

You have such a kind soul. I have never seen you act rudely towards any human being. You’re not cruel to animals either. You’re always looking out for someone or looking to make someone laugh or smile.

You’re such a wonderful and loyal friend to your comrades.

And I can tell how you respect me that your mother and father raised you well.

I still remember when you took that batch of papers from me just so I wouldn’t have to carry the load. And you always hold doors for me and make sure I’m safe. It made me smile and made me intrigued to see the man you are .

I contemplated in my mind who is Alex Miller? Why is he so confident? Why is his handshake so firm.

I like the way you carry yourself. You’re just a stand up guy. I can’t find not one thing I don’t like about you.

And you’re even good with children. I watch how you act with children you don’t know.

I still remember you helping that little boy play with the mini bowling set at one of those Let’s Read. Let’s Move activities. You’re so helpful and sincere.

You did so well with him. It demonstrated to me how you’re a natural born leader. A great leader.

You just have a way of making people feel good around you.

When I’m around you, I always feel good.

I never feel less than. I never doubt myself. It just feels so right.

If I could describe what it feels like to be around you, I would use two words.

Utter joy.

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Living for the City

Below is my cover to Stevie Wonder’s Living for the City. I absolutely love this song. There’s so much struggle and emotion in the lyrics.

I can just see the mother scrubbing the floors and working so hard to make those floors shine, even if she makes nothing from it.

I can see the young daughter strutting down the street confident,looking clean and pressed even when her circumstance would make most give up.

Just listen to the power in my voice and check out the lyrics to Stevie Wonder’s Living for the City when you get a chance. I hope you enjoy!

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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Healing Hearts

After not knowing much about one side of the family, I finally feel some healing. We went to a family function today and it felt good to be welcomed. The family I never knew is loving and religious. They seem to have good souls. I look forward to spending more time with them.

What really touched my soul was my Aunt Tara saying this:

” Booker women are strong women.”


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Sorry Men: Tyrone Erykah Badu Cover by Briana Booker

Erykah Badu Tyrone (Live)
Erykah Badu Tyrone Lyrics.

I think you better call Tyrone. Love this song Tyrone by Erykah Badu. She sounds amazing live singing Tyrone. And the song goes perfectly with our fall series: How to spot a sorry man. Here’s my cover of Tyrone:

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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The Reason Men Cheat

This is a great video by Ihustlenation on why men cheat. The answer is temptation, the weakness of the flesh. You can be the most amazing woman to a man, but he could still cheat.

A man that won’t cheat on God won’t cheat on you.

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