Cory Booker For Senate: The Comeback of Do Something Politics

By Briana Booker

Cory Booker is the Mayor of Newark, New Jersey. He has been Mayor since 2006. Now in 2013, Cory Booker is taking a shot at being the Senator of New Jersey.

What are my thoughts on Cory Booker for Senate?

I think he would be a hell of a Senator.  Better yet, I think someday he would make hell of a President ( if he decided to take on that level of responsibility).

I think Cory Booker would make an excellent Senator for a variety of reasons but my main reason for believing in his capabilities comes down to two things.

1. He is a hard worker.  2. He leads with his good intentions.

I like to call him the Do Something dude.

I still remember at Cornell University’s 2013 graduation his Do Something speech. It was powerful. It was inspiring. It was humorous.

Cory Booker allows the goodness in his soul to help him lead while empowering his community.

I’m not saying he is perfect. None of us are perfect.

But the care he demonstrates for all kinds of people is a rarity in Today’s politics.

Cory Booker is one of those Do Something politicians that inspire citizens to do something too. That’s powerful to me. That’s what real leaders do.

Here’s what I like about Cory Booker and his Do Something politics:

  1.  He speaks to the youth, urban youth, to tell them of the importance of a quality education.  Cory Booker has helped raise funds to improve the quality of education for urban youth. Yes, this includes having Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, offer New Jersey city schools a $100 million matching grant. There’s something intriguing about a man not afraid to stand up for universal education. Cory wants to give every child the opportunity, the resources to excel.
  2. Cory Booker is okay running into burning buildings to save lives. How many politicians do we know run into burning buildings to save lives? Now, how many politicians can we name that would trample people to save their own lives from a burning building? I rest my case.
  3.  Cory cares about the community he serves. He shovels snow for citizens. He  asks ” What can I do to make things better?”  When Cory Booker says he is going to do something, you can count on him to do it or die trying. He simply has that political courage and authentic leadership that moves people to do better.
  4. He goes on hunger strikes and lived on food stamps for a week to get his point across that people matter. That’s humbling.
  5. Cory is a highly accessible politician. He is a real political activist and promotes the rest of us to do the same because he leads by example. I’m not even from New Jersey and I’m impressed by his leadership. He makes me want to do good when I wake up in the morning. We need more Cory Bookers in Congress.


Bottom line: Cory Booker is the missing puzzle piece Washington needs.


The Democratic primary voting is Tuesday August 13th! My soul tells me Cory Booker is the man for the job. Booker has a way of getting things done. That’s what Bookers do. I know because I’m a Booker too.

Cory is more than worthy of being New Jersey’s next U.S. Senator. Do Something and vote Cory Booker for Senator. He won’t disappoint.

To learn more about my political views, Like me on Facebook and don’t forget to visit Fromgirltogirl daily.

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Trayvon Martin vs. Black on Black Crime: What is the victimization of black communities?


Picture by MillionHoodies a movement for justice formed by Daniel Maree ( posters coming soon).

By Briana Booker

For those trying to connect the topic Black on Black violence as a reason for people to not voice their thoughts on the killing of black teen Trayvon Martin, I urge you to sit back and give thought on the reasons why black on black violence occurs and why Trayvon Martin got confronted by George Zimmerman for looking suspicious because he was a black young man. I occasionally check my Facebook feed to see discussion on social and cultural issues. Daniel Maree, political activist/human rights activist, status caught my eye. His status had the following remarks:

People love to talk about black on black crime as if it’s Trayvon Martin vs. Black on Black Crime. As if we have to pick between the two. Ok. Let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about drugs and guns in our inner cities. Let’s talk about how they got there. Let’s talk about Ronald Reagan. Let’s talk about Iran Contra. Let’s talk about poverty. Let’s talk about the victimization of black communities.

These black talking heads should be ashamed of themselves for not making that point. Let’s be honest about the crises that exist in our communities. Let’s not just use them as excuses for not finding justice for Trayvon. #GetSerious #Millionhoodies

I feel passionate about the matter as well. I thank Daniel Maree for speaking up about this matter. It’s time for ‪America‬ to have discussions on the tough topics. ‪Drugs‬ & ‪guns‬ didn’t come to ‪inner cities‬ simply from people in ‪‎poverty‬ being there. Drugs and guns come from people in ‪positions of power‬ whom profit off of the poorest of the poor. The ‪‎education system has failed to teach people why these problems exist or people have failed to listen. Perhaps it’s both.

Poverty isn’t about people ” just not trying hard enough.” Anyone that truly believes that really needs to find sources that teach them why society is the way it is. When people are willing to visit the communities that have been forgotten, that is when we can find solutions together. To empathize with those that suffer, you need the will power to ask tough questions and get out of your comfort zone. We can’t wait for people in positions of power to correct a system that wasn’t made for everyone to succeed or have a good quality of life. We need to set up real ‪family values , we need effective ‪‎business plans, and we need more ‪‎community unity. It’s time to wake up and ‪‎do something. For more of my outlooks on racial issues in America, subscribe to the blog and Like me on Facebook .

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Self empowerment: Don’t sell your ass

By Briana Booker

If I could give any young woman advice, it would be this:


You never have to cheapen yourself to gain true happiness in life. Don’t ever let anyone or anything make you think differently.

Your most powerful tool in life is your mind. With a positive mindset, you will have positive experiences in life and meet positive people. Sell your mind, not your ass and you’ll go far. Share this advice with other women in your life. It’s time that we take a stand and empower each other.

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Simplify Everything: How to achieve happiness

Illustration of Jay Bee by Victor Ramos.
Illustration of Jay Bee by Victor Ramos.

It’s official. My brother JB has joined the blogger world. What’s his blog? It’s called Simplify Everything. On the blog JB will take a complex idea, event, situation, anything and present it more simply.
Check out his articles today! Expect big things from him.
While I asked my brother about his new blog, I also asked about his thoughts on the Trayvon Martin case. If you all are not aware, my brother is a black young man. A smart, intelligent and friendly black man. Yes, black men with those traits exist.
Here’s what he had to say:

It’s different in Maryland. Florida is different – their gun laws and laws in general. As a woman, you wouldn’t be seen as a threat. This society has always viewed black men as dangerous, giving them the burden of proving otherwise ( Black men and to some degree Hispanic men now). Asian men aren’t really viewed as physical threat or dangerous. It’s all cultural/social/racial/regional/historical.

My question to all is when will it change? Leave a comment for me on your thoughts or Like us on Facebook.

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Baltimore Violence: Gimme Shelter

By Briana Booker

I was born & raised in Baltimore City. People keep asking me what are my thoughts about the gang related outbreak of violence in Baltimore.

I figured there was no better way to go about the answer than my beloved blog.

The wave of violence in Baltimore city is no secret. Black people…White people…the rich…the poor are all concerned.

There have been at least 40 people shot in Baltimore and it’s only the middle of July.

The cops promise citizens that the police force will step up enforcement to protect neighborhoods, but it doesn’t mean much to the people of Baltimore.

The Black Guerrilla family prison gang is retaliating for the Federal government cracking down on their operations.

If you are not familiar with the Black Guerrilla family prison gang, they originated in California prison systems by the Black Panther member George Jackson during the late 1960’s.

The gang ideology focused on Marxist/Maoist/ Leninist philosophies. The primary goal of the Black Guerrilla gang was to eradicate racism, dignify prison life and eventually overthrow the government.

Those that join the Black Guerrilla have a life pledge of allegiance, loyalty to the prison gang.

In a city like Baltimore, the life pledge of loyalty is a major threat to the safety of the community. The streets of Baltimore filled with fatherless homes, low-income families and under-educated citizens.

People in the city either fear the gang, look up to the gang, are part of the gang or never heard of the gang.

The Black Guerrilla has strong ties to street gangs. Right now, an order is placed to kill gang members faulted for the Federal crackdown.

From there, it’s expected that the gangs will go on killing sprees throughout Baltimore city…for the innocent in the community. No one is safe.

This is not the end of the violence – extortion, contract assaults, murder, drug wars ( predominately heroin and marijuana), and human trafficking will all be on the rise. It’s not just a Baltimore concern. It’s a nationwide concern. An International concern.

What do we do about the wave of violence in Baltimore?

The cops want people to speak up in the community, but no one wants to do that. Some of the cops are in on the gang life. One tip could mean you or someone in your family might be dead the next day.

I have spent a great deal of my life in Baltimore. And trust me, it’s been a place I’ve tried to get away from all of my life. I don’t see much opportunity here…especially for people of color that started from the bottom.

The solution I see happening for Baltimore is to bring back the days of community self-empowerment. Where are the Malcolm X leaders? Where are the Martin Luther Kings?

I have always wondered where Black people would be today, if those two men came together to start an uniformed movement to allow Black people to prosper as a whole.

When Black communities gain some level of prosperity in the poorest cities in America…that would honestly be the day Gangs will no longer have the ‘Almighty’ power they have in the community.

It takes people standing up against fear and community division to take on the Gangs of Baltimore and the nation. Gangs divide the community. Gangs take in those that feel they have no home, no love.

This city needs more love, more educated people and more give a fuck.

If I could think of one song to show the wave of violence in Baltimore,it would be the Rolling Stones’ Gimme Shelter.

“The storm[ gang] is threatening my very life today. If I don’t get some shelter, Lord I’m gonna fade away…It’s just a shot away.”

Let’s start today to educate ourselves on the need to work together for our community financial empowerment, spiritual empowerment, political empowerment, and social empowerment.

Take power away from the gangs.

What do you think will reduce the violence in Baltimore city? Leave a comment.

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Bedroom Interior Design Ideas

So I’ve been told I look like a Black version of late actress Audrey Hepburn. I officially have an obsession with her fashion statements and charm!

So much to consider a bedroom interior design with her all over! Who wouldn’t fall asleep to a room covered with Audrey Hepburn and movie quotes from classic films such as Breakfast at Tiffany’s?

I am in love with this bedroom interior design in every way. It just has a charm too.

I don’t know what I’ll do when I get married. But maybe there are bad ass bedroom themes for couples.

Do you have any suggestions?

Here’s my Breakfast at Tiffany’s inspired bedroom.

Suddenly you’re afraid & you don’t know what you’re afraid of. Do you ever get that feeling? …Well, when I get it the only thing that does any good is to jump in a cab and go to Tiffany’s. Calms me right down. The quietness and proud look of it. Nothing very bad could happen to you there. If I could find a real place that’d make me feel like Tiffany’s, then – then I’d buy some furniture and give that cat a name! #BreakfastAtTiffanys #AudreyHepburn


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