Ripe-fierce: World Cup referees on their A-Game!

By Briana Booker

There is plenty of action on the playing field during the World Cup but have you checked out these fierce referees keeping up with these elite soccer players? Amazing!

Referees can be twice the age of players but run more than the players themselves!

In fact, there are two fitness exams. One for speed and one for stamina! The Referees have to take these exams multiple times to make sure they can keep up with the players! The training becomes more vigorous by the years!

4 hours of exercise a day ranging from weight lifting to jogging is expected! Not to mention, while doing these tasks referees must monitor their own hearts! The average referee during a Futbol(soccer) game can run 12 miles a game! This physical task is five times more than the average soccer player, based on data from the U.S soccer foundation!

That’s dedication! The referees must find their own time to train. They are athletes just as much as the elite players! I love the determination to do a job and do it well!

The referees recommend to others to eat protein, carbs and not many sugars to sustain nutrition and hydration! I am definitely checking them out more closely during the games!

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