1 in 4 Americans have moved in last 5 years

Moving is on the minds of many Americans as we approach the new year. 

A new study shows more than 25% of people moved in the past five years. 63% considered making the change.

1 in 5 people moved in 2021, with $3,946 -as the average amount an American spends to move. The Top states people are leaving: California, New York, and Illinois.

The Northeast is the top region people are saying their goodbyes. Top states people are moving to: Florida, Texas, and Arizona.

The South is the top region where people are moving.

Top reasons for moving
1. A job
2. Being closer to family
3. A lower cost of living

Many more Americans wish they could move, but the cost is stopping them. To find out how many – take a look at our report.

Top States Americans are moving to and from.


In September 2022, there were 1,058 Americans surveyed to learn about their moving habits. Respondents were 48% male, 48% female, and 4% transgender/non-binary. The average age of respondents was 38. 

We analyzed data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s measure of “Net Domestic Migration” to determine the top 15 inbound and top 15 outbound U.S. states from April 1, 2020, to July 1, 2021. Full report.

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Women Owned Moving Companies|Community Resources

Moving is a significant milestone for people. This article features moving resources for women, including tips for investment in women-owned businesses. 

Do you know Women-owned businesses represent 42% of all businesses, employ 9.4 million workers, and generate revenue of $1.9 trillion?

In 2018, females earned 81.6 cents for every dollar a male earned,” according to the Latino Economic Development Center , women entrepreneurship made that possible. But we still have a long way to go to meet wage equality for same job responsibilities and qualifications.

“That makes it critical for company leaders to continue the push toward paying employees equally for similar work,” says Jessica Stender, senior counsel for workplace justice and public policy at Equal Rights Advocates, a nonprofit civil rights group, as reported by the Society for Human Resource Management.

The guide below highlights the top 10 women-owned moving companies and infographics on the importance of supporting women-owned businesses:

Share with your community to get people involved in supporting women-owned initiatives.

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