Team Edward or Team Jacob, Kagan?

By Zachary  ‘Buddha’ Bernstein

Generally, Supreme Court confirmation hearings are not  greatly intriguing. There are not great bombshells to be had, nor do many candidates go into great detail on, well,much of anything.

The process has basically become an exercise in playing not to lose. But easily the most surreal moment of the whole thing came on Wednesday, when nominee Elena Kagan was asked the question that is perhaps one of the most intensely debated in America, and at the same time, the most easily irrelevant to the nomination process:
Team Edward or Team Jacob?
Yes, you read that right. A Senator – specifically, Amy Klobuchar, Democrat from Minnesota – a member of the most important legislative body in the country, with power to confirm Supreme Court justices [among other things] is asking about Twilight, the movie.
Putting aside the fact that, as a college-age male, I would sooner gouge out my eyeballs and run them through a meat grinder than spoil those reading or watching Twilight. I have this to say…are you effing kidding me? You are aware we have rather serious business that needs attending to, are not you?This is not a reality show spot at stake. It is the Supreme Court.
All the biggest issues in the country –  from health care and immigration to gay marriage – will likely find a stop here, or at least have a good chance of appearing in some form.
And we are asking about, as the Senator put it, “the famous case of Edward versus Jacob or the vampire versus the werewolf.”
To be fair to Ms. Kagan, she sidestepped this question – as she has many others during the hearings – with the simple “I wish you wouldn’t [ask].”
 And for the record, this changes nothing about the actual voting – she will probably be confirmed and be wearing the robes in short order.
But come on. Can we please try to keep our focus on the issue at hand?
Besides, obviously, Team Edward.

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