What are the uses of a silicone vaginal dilator?

Women working out after using vaginal dilators

By Jane Silverstein

What are vaginal dilators? Vaginal dilators or vaginal trainers are often made of medical grade silicone and resemble the shape of a penis but not
anatomically correct. The vaginal dilators come in pretty pastel color, similar to body tissue, and get larger with each size. A woman’s pinky finger is the smallest size and the biggest size is very large, erect penis.

Vaginal dilators are used at home and are a therapeutic device. They are inserted into the
vagina with lubricant to help train the pelvic floor and vaginal muscles to relax. Then,
stretch and expand.

Dyspareunia or painful sex is the most common reason to start using vaginal dilators. Inserting
dilators several times a week and gradually moving up in size can help the vagina relax and
stretch so that intercourse is no longer painful. There are tools available to stop the
pain cycle.

Women may experience painful intercourse due to lower estrogen levels that occur with
menopause. Women diagnosed with cancer and receiving radiation and chemotherapy may
experience intercourse pain. Often these treatments cause changes to the vaginal tissue as well as the development of scar tissue. Women suffering with Endometriosis, Vulvar Pain Conditions, Vaginismus, and MRKH Syndrome may benefit from dilator use as well as young mothers experiencing continued pelvic pain after childbirth. A pelvic floor physical
therapist can help you determine if vaginal dilators are right for you.

What is the difference between a silicone dilator other dilators? 

Silicone is a body safe material that is both sturdy and pliable. Many medical products are made of silicone. It is the perfect material for this product as it resembles body tissue. Whereas other dilators might be made of a hard plastic or compound, silicone dilators can slightly bend. Silicone vaginal
dilators are beneficial
because this slight bend and wiggle can allow for women to have a more comfortable insertion. They are also less intimate than hard plastic dilators. This is helpful to a woman who already has pain issues.

While silicone dilators are more pliable, they still hold their shape and structural integrity, allowing the user to dilate properly. Silicone is also really easy to clean. They can be washed with warm soapy water and air dried. They can also be dried using a hair dryer. For a deep cleaning place silicone dilators in boiling water. When using a vaginal dilator, be sure to clean your dilator with mild soap and water before and after use.

Many women find that running the dilator under warm water makes insertion easier and more comfortable as it retains the heat for a while. This is more comfortable than inserting a cold dilator.

It is important to always use a good quality water-based lubricant with your dilator. The World Health Organization researched lubricants and found that some of the common brands you find in your local retail pharmacy or big box store often cause dryness of the vaginal tissue. Find a
brand that has a PH level and osmolality level close to that of vaginal tissue. When using the lubricant always be generous and put lubricant on the dilator as well as your vulva. It is important to remember that you cannot use a silicone lubricant with a silicone dilator as it will
eventually damage the integrity of the material.

Vaginal dilators have helped millions of women achieve better pelvic floor health. Contact your health care provider with any questions regarding your pelvic health.

About the Author: Jane Silverstein

Jane Silverstein is the owner of Soul Source Therapeutic Devices located in Los Angeles.
She is committed to women’s health issues and to helping women worldwide regain and/ or maintain their sexual health. She is passionate about helping others and has always been involved in a multitude of charitable causes.

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1/3 of Americans Don’t Know About Period Sex

What people wish they knew sooner about sex by Zodiac sign.
From as young as 8 years old female bodies start to significantly change and it can be hard to cope with. Starting your period is one of the most daunting experience for girls as part of puberty because it is often surrounded by misinformation and mystery.

Rest assure, periods are completely normal and show us that our bodies are working! New research from sexual wellness brand Lovehoney.com has revealed that one of the main things people wish they’d known sooner about their sexual health is that having sex while on your period is healthy (31%). Over a quarter of all Americans (26%) wish they’d known that periods can lead to an increased sex drive. 

Here are top things people wish they’d known sooner about their sex lives.

Sex – What people wish they’d known sooner
Having sex on your period is normal and healthy.
It is also normal for things such as depression to impact your ability to orgasm ( a problem for 28% of Americans).

It’s normal for your sex drive to change without a significant event occurring. Periods can lead to a higher sex drive. It’s normal for medications to impact your sex drive.

You can find below the full research along with commentary from Clinical Sexologist, Ness Cooper.

Research reveals what Americans wish they’d known sooner about their sex lives 
A quarter of men in the U.S. (25%) wish they knew that it’s normal for depression to impact the ability to orgasm. 27% of adults in the U.S. wish they were told that changes to their sex drive without a significant event occurring are normal.

From menstruation to menopause, to mental health issues and uncomfortable medical conditions, there are many more stages of life that adults might go through as time passes by. People may be aware of how these events can impact their bodies – but how much is known about how they can affect sex lives?

For better insight into the ways in which a person’s sex life might change, sexual wellness brand Lovehoney.com put together a guide of some common stages adults go through, and what they might mean when it comes to getting intimate. They also asked more than 2,000 American adults what they wish they’d known sooner about factors that might influence their sex lives. View the full study .

29% of Heterosexual people say having sex on your period is normal and healthy

37% of Lesbian people say having sex on your period is normal and healthy

34 % Gay people say it is normal for your sex drive to change without a significant event occurring

46% of Bisexual people say having sex on your period is normal and healthy

50% of Transgender people say having sex less often throughout menopause is completely normal

25% Intersex people say having sex less often throughout menopause is completely normal

33% of Asexual people say menopause can lead to a lower sex drive

50% of Pansexual people say it is normal for things such as depression to impact your ability to orgasm.

There are so many things that contribute to sex life changes. Lovehoney enlisted clinical sexologist and therapist, Ness Cooper, shares some advice on how to ensure our sexual happiness and wellbeing even when these changes happen.

“There’s no set answer on how to ensure sexual happiness and wellbeing as it will be dependant of the situation partly. However there is a strong like to greater sexual wellbeing and sex life when there’s the ability to consent and communicate. This can allow repair when any sexual discrepancies do arise and help individuals, couples, and moresomes find solutions to any issues that do occur.”

Sexual wellbeing and sex life can also be affected by non-erotic wellbeing and making sure we as individuals and in relationships practise non-erotic self-care can help also improve erotic and sexual satisfaction and wellbeing.

“If you or your partner(s) are experiencing any sexual issues that you’re finding hard to navigate, gaining support from your healthcare provider or a psychosexual therapist can be helpful.”

About Lovehoney
Established in 2002 in Bath, Lovehoney Group Ltd designs, manufactures and distributes its own branded and third party pleasure products globally with over 150 products developed inhouse each year. It is the UK’s biggest online adult retailer with 8 other websites globally including; France, Germany, Spain, EU, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Its 300-strong team is based across the UK, USA and Australia and serves its 2.2m global customer base. Over the last six years, overseas sales have grown from £12m to £56m, an overall growth of 365%. In addition, the percentage of sales exported has risen from 27% to 45%. The company’s top five overseas markets are the USA, Australia, EU, Canada, and New Zealand. In April, the company won the Queen’s Award for International Trade for Outstanding Continuous Growth in overseas sales over the last six years.

The survey data in this study was based on a survey of 2,016 U.S. residents over the age of 18 in September 2022. Gender splits are based on respondents choosing how they identify. 
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50% of Scorpios admit having sex during working hours

49% of Americans are masturbating.
49% of Americans are masturbating
A recent study on masturbation and sex by sexual wellness brand lovehoney.com has discovered that as many as 49% of Americans are masturbating when they’re meant to be working, and 48% of them are Scorpios. Scorpio season is around the corner. Scorpios are known as being risk takers, kinky and fiery in bed. It is no shock that half of all Scorpio respondents (50%) admit having sex during working hours.  Star Sign % that admit to having sex during work hours.

Read How Many Americans Masturbate at Work for more information.

It was found that the risk factor of masturbating during their company’s time was much more appealing to women than men, with almost two-in-five women (39%) saying that’s the reason for their masturbation habits compared to 32% of men.

Almost two-fifths of Americans have had sex on their company’s time. In addition to finding out how many Americans masturbate when they’re supposed to be working, Lovehoney also asked respondents how many of them have had sex during work hours. It was revealed that almost two-fifths of Americans (38%) had gotten down and dirty during work hours, with men being more likely to do the deed – 43% compared to 34% of women.The top motivating factors for Americans having sex whilst working were found to be ‘feeling horny’ (64%), their partner wanted to (54%), and stress relief (40%). Risk factors also played a role in this, with 34% of respondents saying that knowing they shouldn’t be doing it was one of the main reasons for them to participate. Leos and Scorpios were named the most likely to get hot and heavy whilst working.

Methodology: The survey data in this study was based on a survey of 2,008 US residents over the age of 18 in August 2022. Gender splits are based on respondents choosing how they identify. Please credit the research by linking back to this page.

Contact Fromgirltogirl.com for health writing services and unboxing of sexual health products. Email advertise@fromgirltogirl.com .
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Date Night : Is it a Fling or Love?

Two young people on a date.

Over the years, Stephanie Pawlak has had her fair share of dating experiences. Some turned out great, others weren’t so great. Pawlak believes that relationships are meant to be fun, exciting, and full of laughter. She now helps men and women become confident, attractive, and successful in their romantic relationships at her site https://flingorlove.com

Pawlak is upfront when it comes to dating and asked a very common question from singles:

Does dating someone mean you are in a relationship?

After studying the topic Pawlak realized many people dwell over the steps of a relationship rather than let it happen naturally.

Does Dating Mean You’re In A Relationship? Is There A Difference?

When Pawlak was young, dating meant being exclusive and telling her girlfriends in high school who she was dating. Now dating is complicated. Relationships now feel like a lifetime commitment and people who want that are shamed for wanting it. So how do you protect yourself from getting hurt? 

Read more to learn about the difference between dating and relationships.
Stephanie Pawlak is Chief Editor and Romantic Blogger of FlingorLove, a website focused on helping people feel confident, attractive, and successful in their romantic relationships.

Stephanie Pawlak is Chief Editor and Romantic Blogger of FlingorLove, a website focused on helping people feel confident, attractive, and successful in their romantic relationships.

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Race in America: Mixed, Black, and Everything in Between

I think for us it's so different because we're light skinned. You're not treated as a black woman, you're not treated as a black woman, you're not treated as a white woman. You sort of fit in between. If there's any time in my life that it's been more focused on my race. - Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex.
CNN Video : Duchess, Meghan Markle.

By Briana Booker
If you have not listened to the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle’s, new podcast Archetypes, you are living under a rock.

So far, my favorite episode of Archetypes is Meghan’s interview with Mariah Carey for many reasons. It’s not just about race. Mariah Carey is a survivor of poverty, abuse, and gossip. I fucking love you Mariah Carey. I am saying that with my 1997 Butterfly voice. It’s a must listen:

Mariah Carey Doubles Down on Calling Meghan Markle a ‘Diva’ — in the Most ‘Empowering’ Way

The Duchess of Sussex said “it stopped me in my tracks” when Mariah Carey called her a “diva.” Listen to the Archetypes podcast

#1 New York Times Bestseller: The Meaning of Mariah Carey

It’s a touchy topic. Over centuries skin color became mixed with status around the world. Black , Brown, and White skin complexions of Kings , Queens, and Princesses always existed in the world.  

I’ve had light skin , brown skin, and I tried  so hard to have dark skin because I saw highly intelligent, beautiful black women respected for their minds and beauty. But they were still mistreated due to racism and debate on who deserves high status but fair skin women ( white ) are mistreated too … just differently.

Regardless,  I never fit anywhere and there’s a such thing as skin cancer. I can also tan and severely burn.

But they treat The Duchess, Meghan Markle, poorly as a ‘mixed’ woman because they want people to see black as less than. I call it the “We want to make sure you don’t forget,” moment. If you know, you know. 

But Queen Elizabeth’s family always had black and brown people. They were there long before Queen Elizabeth was born and will be long after our lifetimes.

Once upon a time, there was more partnerships than conquering to gain power in the world. It’s 2022, the world leaders are focusing back on partnerships but still have the weapons in the briefcases.

By the time Queen Elizabeth’s great grand parents were born, royal families had to conquer more than partner.

Guns and weapon supplies make that easy to do. You’d be surprised who created the first guns. Let’s just say, those groups are still calling the shots. 

Why do think there’s always a weapons race? 

Mixed individuals can still have status in this world environment. But who wants status without the respect?

Oprah treats Meghan with respect. And it’s not just about having high status. She knows Meghan is a woman. She knows Meghan is a black woman. She knows Meghan can represent different kinds of women. She knows there are rules to keep high status. 

Most of the bad names I’ve been called in life are by men. But that’s to take away status.

I’ve been called exotic. But that’s to take away my stature and that’s about who leads – a walk to the side or behind. And there are benefits if I choose “right.”

I live in America. I wouldn’t call it modern. It’s just more modern than my ancestors experienced as women. 

I can cook and eat with a man whose courting me.

I can also benefit from his hard work.

Parents want to give their daughter(s) an education for different reasons. The common reason: To maintain or grow status and to make a nice life for their daughter(s) and, if she wants kids, a nice life for their grandchildren ( even if it’s not from her womb).

I can be assertive but I cannot be too assertive.

I can be as sweet to children as I want. 

I can be outspoken and showcase my intelligence. If it’s something that benefits us both, but the world says he takes the spotlight. But there are older men that say “Why can’t you?”

But it grants women a spotlight of their own. Meghan, you’re in the spotlight. What you do with it is sorta up to you. Use the time wisely.

The Duchess, Meghan Markle, has 5 stages she stands on – The Royal Family. Harry ( Prince Harry).  Her Children.  Humanity. Women.

And it’s during a time where black people and other marginalized people are realizing how much status they’ve always had.

I don’t know about you Duchess. But I’m reclaiming my time.

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The Mismanagement of Miscarriage: The Superwoman that Stagnates Healing

By: Taushauna Burrel 


Four years ago on a sunny February morning in Michigan, I woke up to one of the worst surprises I ever received. On this morning, it was my turn to experience what my doctor coldly described as common and the body’s natural way of spontaneously aborting my child.

I was going through a miscarriage. I sat there with this truth and her facts, while my head begin to create more questions, that my voice was too paralyzed to make known. The silence begin, and the unheroic superwoman emerged.

The Unrecognizable Woman That Emerges

In the moment, I received the news of my miscarriage, like most women, there were loud mental and spiritual nuances in the room overshadowing the silence of the news bearer. I could hear and feel the issues attached to the pain I felt blaring loudly in the echoes of my empty womb. It was the noise of blame, shame, guilt, denial, and even depression. These feelings followed me daily. It seemed that the more I would look for someone that understood exactly what I was going through and solutions to this pain, the quieter the hope of productive healing became and the louder the blame or the shame would become. 

As a result, I decided to compartmentalize my pain, and cling to the age-old stigma, that I was a STRONG black woman, and could conquer this on my own.

I begin to wear my silence as a badge of strength and became my own superhero. I decided that I would work my way through this unfortunate series of events, and then she emerged as the Superwoman.

To numb and avoid the pain of processing this reality, I threw myself into work at home and in my office. I became the woman who faced everything and nothing at the same time. I nurtured everyone else that was affected by the miscarriage. I suffered. But I found ways to help others heal, while avoiding my own healing process.

I would go one to experience 3 more losses that year, and while my superwoman seemingly helped me in the beginning ultimately she delayed my process of healing while I also endured some unhealthy lows and behaviors that I grew to regret. 

The End of Silence

Today, I recognize that in those moments I was actually my weakest and lowest; the avoidance of pain and deference of outside help is not “strong.” I realize that it was not my job to become my own superhero. Miscarriage is not a battle that requires strength; it’s one that requires strategy and a tribe. 

Taushauna Burrel 

The woman who finds herself loss in the struggle of silence and superwoman syndrome, I offer the advice to reach out to women like you. In moments when the pain is the most unbearable, SPEAK UP and give victory to your voice! Share your story and connect with people that carry the strategy and solutions to help you overcome. 

Taushauna Burrel

Taushauna Burrel is the creator of the Addison's Place Heal With God's Grace, The Miscarriage Podcast.

Taushauna Burrel is a pregnancy and infant loss solutionist, and the CEO & Founder of The Addison Grace Project, a coaching and consulting company that works directly with parents providing solutions to help conquer the pain of child loss and champion the legacy of their child(ren). When she is not coaching, Taushauna is podcasting on Addison’s Place, The Miscarriage Podcast or traveling the world speaking and hosting events that empower the voices of women.  Follow her on Instagram @taushaunaburrel and @theaddisongraceproject. Feel free to schedule a free consultation with her by clicking here.

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Reproductive Rights and Roe v. Wade – An Overview

Uterus | Women's Rights
Reproductive Justice is one of the hot topics of 2022, with this as the biggest question:

How could rejection of reproductive rights by the Supreme Court hurt women – particularly Black women and other marginalized groups?

How Overturning Roe v. Wade May Impact U.S. Citizens
The U.S. Supreme Court is set to announce its decision this summer on Dobbs v. Jackson, a case based on an extreme new law in Mississippi that directly challenges Roe v. Wade.

A leaked draft of the Supreme Court’s decision indicates the court is poised to overturn the 50-year precedent of Roe v. Wade and strip women of their constitutional right to make reproductive health care decisions for themselves – including abortion.

Currently abortion is still legal but if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, it will end the constitutional right to abortion and allow states nationwide to ban abortion. If it happens, it will be the most consequential case on abortion in generations.

There is no path for the Supreme Court to uphold Mississippi’s ban without overturning Roe.

Mississippi directly asked the Court to overturn the landmark abortion rights case.

8 in 10 Americans oppose overturning Roe v. Wade.


Many Americans believe a woman can never be equal to a man if she is denied the basic right to make decisions for herself or her family.

In America, a solid human rights foundation is critical to sustaining our democracy. The basic human rights of women in America are threatened if the Supreme Court ultimately overturns Roe v. Wade.

In the land of the free and home of the brave, the right to control and make decisions about our own bodies is fundamental to our freedom and rights as citizens in our democracy. This is the very essence of our freedom as Americans.

Each of us has our own unique circumstances. Women should have the right to make both personal and private decisions they feel are best for them.

It’s no secret that women, including Black women, have fought and died for the freedom to control our bodies – Slavery. Segregation. And even the Supreme Court.

As a woman, I have experienced times when my body has been treated as property and moments where I was lowered to second class citizenship in both personal and professional environments.

Women should be trusted with their freedom

I respect birthing people and a woman’s right to abortion, even when I pray to have a child of my own. Single and married women should have the freedom to exercise their right to abortion.

The Dobbs v. Jackson case is part of a coordinated series of attacks on abortion access and women’s reproductive rights by anti-choice groups.

Over 500 new restrictions on abortion access have been introduced in state legislatures across the country in 2022 and considered extreme new laws to a variety of Americans, including criminalization of women and doctors, outlawing of abortion by state, the shutdown of clinics, and restricting access based on income level or defining the medical procedures available to those in need.

If the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, 28 states are expected to move quickly to ban abortion.

13 states have “trigger bans” already in place, which would ban abortion automatically. 

56% of Black people in America live in the south and many of the new laws rolling back abortion rights disproportionately impact Black women.

Just the Facts
The United States has the second-highest maternal death rate among developed countries, and Black women are 3 to 4 times more likely to experience a pregnancy-related death than white women.

Forcing women to carry unwanted pregnancies can have deadly consequences, particularly for Black women.

There is an unmistakable overlap in the states where these new laws are being introduced and passed.  Black women are facing the reality of having their reproductive rights stolen at a time when their right to vote, equal opportunities in education and employment, and equal pay to white counterparts are being chipped away and undermined at the local, state, and federal levels.

Access to the full spectrum of reproductive and sexual health care, including abortion is critical to the black community and overall birthing people.

Not only should these groups be able to decide whether or not to continue a pregnancy, but they should also have access to the care and resources required for health, wellness, and safety.

All birthing people, regardless of income or location, should be able to access the pregnancy care they choose, free from coercion or shame in their community.

What can you do to help?

Leverage collective power to organize, mobilize ,and vote in upcoming Federal, State, and Local elections.

The majority (80%) of Black people believe abortion should remain legal and women should be able to get safe abortions.

In a recent national poll of Black women voters, 85% of Black women say that making sure women do not lose the freedom to make their own reproductive health care decisions is a top concern.

64% of Black women who self-identify as religious (attend religious service at least once a week, believe that abortion should be legal in all or most cases. 

Three-quarters (76%) of Black people agree that health insurance should cover abortion care.

91% of Black people say that a woman’s ability to control whether or when she has children is an important part of financial stability for herself and her family.

74% of Black voters believe abortion is an important voting issue.

79% of Black voters oppose their state passing new laws that severely restrict abortion.

Almost 7 in 10 Black voters (69%) would not vote for a candidate that would overturn Roe. 

Here is How Overturning Roe V. Wade could impact the midterms.

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New Music: PinkFiz – ‘Did I Ask?’ | Female Consent and Sexual Harassment Anthem

PinkFiz photoshoot

18-year-old punk-pop artist PinkFiz from Cambridgeshire has released her new single “Did I Ask?” to emphasize the importance of female consent and why we all need to do our part to end sexual harassment. The new single touches on punk/rock instrumentation, radiating a brooding bassline, fast-paced drums, and a howling lead guitar. The clashing guitars are a juxtaposition to PinkFiz’s soft, muted vocals, as she sings, “she’s not your possession.” 

PinkFiz confides, “I wrote this song about the phrase “she was asking for it” because I was really angry that day about it and I needed to get all my frustration about it into words and into a song. I am very passionate about fighting for equality and about making opportunities for everyone the same. As a female guitarist, I have been overlooked in the past and disregarded and I’ve often felt invalidated and seen as not as good as my male peers. I also recalled being robbed of opportunities in school and begging for a chance to play something more technical and difficult but the parts I would ask for were always given to an older male teacher without me having a shot at trying them.”

PinkFiz represents female empowerment and the songwriters pride in being an independent female artist and producer. With the hopes to make listeners feel invincible and capable of anything, she hopes the empowering song will help listeners feel like they stomping on top of the world.

Here at Fromgirltogirl, we enjoy the catchy chorus of ‘Did I Ask?’ and appreciate the messaging of encouraging sexual consent. Although our society needs to enforce more policies and laws to protect women against sexual abuse and violence, we know we must keep the conversation going to make a better world for not only us but our future generations. We cannot stay silent.

Listen to ‘Did I Ask?’ now:

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How to Empower Yourself and Learn to Say No

infographic when and how to say no

Everyday, we receive requests for our time, energy or support. Between friends, family, coworkers and romantic partners, these requests can sometimes be overwhelming.

It’s easy to focus more on fulfilling these requests than caring for ourselves, whether because we want to make our loved ones happy or because we fear saying no will make us appear unreliable or rude. 

But the reality is, saying yes to every request we receive can be harmful to our physical and emotional health. 

Overexerting ourselves can lead to exhaustion, burnout, stress and anxiety. It’s important to learn how to say no so we can learn how to prioritize ourselves and our needs before catering to those of others. 

The first step to learning to say no is realizing that everyone needs to decline offers, invitations and requests sometimes. Doing so doesn’t make you look rude, incompetent or disagreeable — it just makes you look human. 

Here are some tips for how to say no and how to say it right: 

Please include attribution to bestow.com with this graphic: https://bestow.com/blog/how-to-say-no/'><img src='https://res.cloudinary.com/dh47lnicu/image/upload/v1587165683/how-to-be-fulfilled_q56ggi.jpg
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Sex Education Poll: What is your Sexual Health IQ?

teenage girl reading a book

Improving sexual health literacy is essential to strengthening sex education program. A good health education program can help girls to delay sexual debut while helping sexually active individuals enjoy sex with lower risk partners and understand the protection available to them for safe sex. A person who understands sex safe best practices can reduce his/her risk for HIV, HPV, and other STIs. It can also prevent unwanted pregnancies and maternal mortality for women of child-bearing ages.

Here are some of the benefits of improving sexual and reproductive health literacy:

  • Empowering Communities by helping groups that would not have as much access to information when it comes to gender inequality issues and overall power relations in communities.
  • Help girls, boys stay and complete grade school education
  • Improve economic opportunities by reducing gender gaps in education and the workforce
  • Reduce intergenerational poverty

How you can help

With your help, organizations like Nurx can help improve sexual health literacy. Please take one or all of the quizzes belows to help with research efforts to improve sex education in America and worldwide.


Emergency Contraception


Birth Control


Pride Quiz

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