2022 Best Wellness States in the United States of America

new study shows the wellness industry is projected to reach $7 trillion in value by 2025. The District of Columbia is the No. 9 best place for wellness. California is the No. 1 best state and Alabama is the No. 1 worst.

Interest in ‘wellness’ used to be niche, but it has surged following the health, economic, and political crises that led to a 25% spike in anxiety and depression, and a decline in life expectancy.

Factor in remote work and more Americans are choosing to live in places with strong health and wellness communities that enhance their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This includes a rising interest in healthy eating, exercise, dietary supplements, nature, self-care, and mindfulness.

Life Extension released a study on the Best and Worst States for Wellness in 2022 using the most recent data from the CDC, Census Bureau, National Parks Service and Google Trends across three main categories: physical and mental health; access to parks and nature; and integrative health practices.

Health Is Wealth

There is a strong correlation between sunshine, nature, and well-being. Four of the five best states are known for sunshine — California, Arizona, Florida, and Hawaii. Nine of the 10 best states have an above average percentage of land used for national parks.

Remember: Spending time outdoors is inherently good for your health. Hike. Bike. Run. Exercising can improve biomarkers for physical health and mental well-being. Visiting a national park is a great way to connect with nature. Go to a park near you.

Below is a chart of top United States wellness google trends by search:

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Work Athleisure Fashion Trends are Here to Stay

Athleisure continues to dominate summer shopping trends as one of the most popular styles. Comfortable clothing is here to stay. A new report shows 85% of Americans wear athleisure regularly and nearly 30% wear it to work in the office.

Read The Rise of Athleisure for more information on how much Americans spend and how often they replace shoes, clothing, and more.

Sweats and leggings used to be reserved for relaxing or working out but that is not the case anymore. Now, Athleisure is the wardrobe of choice due to the pandemic and Americans are not looking back. It is a closet staple and daily wear even when people are not planning to exercise.

On average, Americans have spent $277 in the last 12 months on Athleisure. One out of ten admitted to having dropped $500 or more.

  • 70% of Work From Home (WFH) employees wear athleisure, 29% who work in an office do the same.
  • Top reasons why people love athleisure: comfort, versatility, look.
  • 56% of people have at least one pair of athletic shoes they do not use for exercise.

This report dives into sustainability – nearly 70% do not know they can recycle athletic shoes or how social media impacts athleisure purchasing.

Take a look at the full report .

Just the Facts

Many Americans keep their shoes until they can barely function as a shoe. Nearly 3 out of 10 people said they replace their athletic shoes whenever holes form. About 2 out of 5 replace their shoes every year.

 Nearly 70% of Americans do not know athletic shoes can be recycled. During the study, 2 out of 5 people admitted to throwing their shoes in the garbage when getting rid of them. Only 3 out of 10 people donate them, and just 12% said they recycle their shoes.

While many hadn’t thought of athleisure and sustainability, 60% said footwear and clothing sustainability in general is important to them.

In 2022, Methodology + Media surveyed 1,116 Americans about their opinions on athleisure. Respondents were 48% male, 50% female, and 2% non-binary or transgender. The average age of all respondents was 37 years old.

If you would like Fromgirltogirl as a brand ambassador for your Athleisure fashion, contact us on Instagram @Fromgirltogirl.

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The Mismanagement of Miscarriage: The Superwoman that Stagnates Healing

By: Taushauna Burrel 


Four years ago on a sunny February morning in Michigan, I woke up to one of the worst surprises I ever received. On this morning, it was my turn to experience what my doctor coldly described as common and the body’s natural way of spontaneously aborting my child.

I was going through a miscarriage. I sat there with this truth and her facts, while my head begin to create more questions, that my voice was too paralyzed to make known. The silence begin, and the unheroic superwoman emerged.

The Unrecognizable Woman That Emerges

In the moment, I received the news of my miscarriage, like most women, there were loud mental and spiritual nuances in the room overshadowing the silence of the news bearer. I could hear and feel the issues attached to the pain I felt blaring loudly in the echoes of my empty womb. It was the noise of blame, shame, guilt, denial, and even depression. These feelings followed me daily. It seemed that the more I would look for someone that understood exactly what I was going through and solutions to this pain, the quieter the hope of productive healing became and the louder the blame or the shame would become. 

As a result, I decided to compartmentalize my pain, and cling to the age-old stigma, that I was a STRONG black woman, and could conquer this on my own.

I begin to wear my silence as a badge of strength and became my own superhero. I decided that I would work my way through this unfortunate series of events, and then she emerged as the Superwoman.

To numb and avoid the pain of processing this reality, I threw myself into work at home and in my office. I became the woman who faced everything and nothing at the same time. I nurtured everyone else that was affected by the miscarriage. I suffered. But I found ways to help others heal, while avoiding my own healing process.

I would go one to experience 3 more losses that year, and while my superwoman seemingly helped me in the beginning ultimately she delayed my process of healing while I also endured some unhealthy lows and behaviors that I grew to regret. 

The End of Silence

Today, I recognize that in those moments I was actually my weakest and lowest; the avoidance of pain and deference of outside help is not “strong.” I realize that it was not my job to become my own superhero. Miscarriage is not a battle that requires strength; it’s one that requires strategy and a tribe. 

Taushauna Burrel 

The woman who finds herself loss in the struggle of silence and superwoman syndrome, I offer the advice to reach out to women like you. In moments when the pain is the most unbearable, SPEAK UP and give victory to your voice! Share your story and connect with people that carry the strategy and solutions to help you overcome. 

Taushauna Burrel

Taushauna Burrel is the creator of the Addison's Place Heal With God's Grace, The Miscarriage Podcast.

Taushauna Burrel is a pregnancy and infant loss solutionist, and the CEO & Founder of The Addison Grace Project, a coaching and consulting company that works directly with parents providing solutions to help conquer the pain of child loss and champion the legacy of their child(ren). When she is not coaching, Taushauna is podcasting on Addison’s Place, The Miscarriage Podcast or traveling the world speaking and hosting events that empower the voices of women.  Follow her on Instagram @taushaunaburrel and @theaddisongraceproject. Feel free to schedule a free consultation with her by clicking here.

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Reproductive Rights and Roe v. Wade – An Overview

Uterus | Women's Rights
Reproductive Justice is one of the hot topics of 2022, with this as the biggest question:

How could rejection of reproductive rights by the Supreme Court hurt women – particularly Black women and other marginalized groups?

How Overturning Roe v. Wade May Impact U.S. Citizens
The U.S. Supreme Court is set to announce its decision this summer on Dobbs v. Jackson, a case based on an extreme new law in Mississippi that directly challenges Roe v. Wade.

A leaked draft of the Supreme Court’s decision indicates the court is poised to overturn the 50-year precedent of Roe v. Wade and strip women of their constitutional right to make reproductive health care decisions for themselves – including abortion.

Currently abortion is still legal but if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, it will end the constitutional right to abortion and allow states nationwide to ban abortion. If it happens, it will be the most consequential case on abortion in generations.

There is no path for the Supreme Court to uphold Mississippi’s ban without overturning Roe.

Mississippi directly asked the Court to overturn the landmark abortion rights case.

8 in 10 Americans oppose overturning Roe v. Wade.


Many Americans believe a woman can never be equal to a man if she is denied the basic right to make decisions for herself or her family.

In America, a solid human rights foundation is critical to sustaining our democracy. The basic human rights of women in America are threatened if the Supreme Court ultimately overturns Roe v. Wade.

In the land of the free and home of the brave, the right to control and make decisions about our own bodies is fundamental to our freedom and rights as citizens in our democracy. This is the very essence of our freedom as Americans.

Each of us has our own unique circumstances. Women should have the right to make both personal and private decisions they feel are best for them.

It’s no secret that women, including Black women, have fought and died for the freedom to control our bodies – Slavery. Segregation. And even the Supreme Court.

As a woman, I have experienced times when my body has been treated as property and moments where I was lowered to second class citizenship in both personal and professional environments.

Women should be trusted with their freedom

I respect birthing people and a woman’s right to abortion, even when I pray to have a child of my own. Single and married women should have the freedom to exercise their right to abortion.

The Dobbs v. Jackson case is part of a coordinated series of attacks on abortion access and women’s reproductive rights by anti-choice groups.

Over 500 new restrictions on abortion access have been introduced in state legislatures across the country in 2022 and considered extreme new laws to a variety of Americans, including criminalization of women and doctors, outlawing of abortion by state, the shutdown of clinics, and restricting access based on income level or defining the medical procedures available to those in need.

If the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, 28 states are expected to move quickly to ban abortion.

13 states have “trigger bans” already in place, which would ban abortion automatically. 

56% of Black people in America live in the south and many of the new laws rolling back abortion rights disproportionately impact Black women.

Just the Facts
The United States has the second-highest maternal death rate among developed countries, and Black women are 3 to 4 times more likely to experience a pregnancy-related death than white women.

Forcing women to carry unwanted pregnancies can have deadly consequences, particularly for Black women.

There is an unmistakable overlap in the states where these new laws are being introduced and passed.  Black women are facing the reality of having their reproductive rights stolen at a time when their right to vote, equal opportunities in education and employment, and equal pay to white counterparts are being chipped away and undermined at the local, state, and federal levels.

Access to the full spectrum of reproductive and sexual health care, including abortion is critical to the black community and overall birthing people.

Not only should these groups be able to decide whether or not to continue a pregnancy, but they should also have access to the care and resources required for health, wellness, and safety.

All birthing people, regardless of income or location, should be able to access the pregnancy care they choose, free from coercion or shame in their community.

What can you do to help?

Leverage collective power to organize, mobilize ,and vote in upcoming Federal, State, and Local elections.

The majority (80%) of Black people believe abortion should remain legal and women should be able to get safe abortions.

In a recent national poll of Black women voters, 85% of Black women say that making sure women do not lose the freedom to make their own reproductive health care decisions is a top concern.

64% of Black women who self-identify as religious (attend religious service at least once a week, believe that abortion should be legal in all or most cases. 

Three-quarters (76%) of Black people agree that health insurance should cover abortion care.

91% of Black people say that a woman’s ability to control whether or when she has children is an important part of financial stability for herself and her family.

74% of Black voters believe abortion is an important voting issue.

79% of Black voters oppose their state passing new laws that severely restrict abortion.

Almost 7 in 10 Black voters (69%) would not vote for a candidate that would overturn Roe. 

Here is How Overturning Roe V. Wade could impact the midterms.

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The Mompreneur’s Guide to making Motherhood and Business Work

Mom working from home

Being at home with your kids is a blessing and a challenge, but it can also be an opportunity for branching out into business dreams you’ve nurtured. Being a mompreneur can be very satisfying and lucrative with a strong start and the right moves. Use this guide courtesy of Fromgirltogirl to help you become a successful mompreneur.

1. Choose a Mom-Friendly Business

Choosing the right business idea is important for any budding entrepreneur, but when you have not just a business to run but children demanding your immediate attention, it becomes even more vital to pick a mom-friendly business that works for your family. For example, your business will likely need to have flexible hours so you can work around school pickups and drop-offs, toddler naps, and everything in between.

According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, any business idea you choose needs to have strong market appeal and a need it can satisfy. If there are already 10 women in your community selling something, that is likely not what you should be selling. Instead, look for problems people around you have that you could potentially solve, and develop your business from there.

2. Manage Your Time

Because being a mompreneur means being divided between two competing forces, time management is essential. Time-management apps can help you keep track of day-to-day tasks.

It also helps to have a big-picture planner to ensure you are meeting not only the demands of the day but the long-term needs of your business and family, as well. A monthly planner template can be customized with sticky notes, graphics and even videos to help you personalize your experience to make sure it suits your needs. The benefits of an online calendar for planning include being able to see all the tasks you need to tackle in the next 30 days so that nothing sneaks up on you.

3. Know When to Outsource

While you may have many skills, it’s difficult for one person to run every part of a successful business on their own, and achieving work/life balance is going to be practically impossible if you’re doing it all alone. Some areas of running a business can particularly benefit from a professional touch. Accounting and marketing, for example, are essential to business success. The professionals who are trained in these areas know how to get results that an untrained person will not have the skillset to achieve.

There is no need to hire full-time employees either. You can find freelance accountants using online marketplaces such as Upwork, and you can obtain digital marketing services to get news about your business out to your target audience on Fiverr. Using services such as these allow you to get the most bang for your buck as you do not have to carry the expenses that come with hiring full-time employees.

4. Give Yourself Grace

Raising children and running a business are both demanding and important jobs, and there will inevitably be times when you feel like you’re failing at one or both. When this happens, do not let yourself get down. Instead, assess where things have gone astray and make plans to better prepare for those situations in the future. Setbacks are a natural part of any endeavor, but instead of thinking of them as failures, reframe them as opportunities to learn, grow, and do better in the future.  

Do not let fear of failure hold you back. Believe that you can achieve the work/life balance you have dreamed about. You will be on your way to mompreneur success in no time.

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Juggling It All: Time and Sanity-Saving Tips for Female Business Owners

Working Mom with daughter

Women are familiar with doing it all — there’s no question about it. Despite the fact that 31 percent of U.S. small businesses are female-owned, women are still responsible for the bulk of household chores and childcare, including tasks such as laundry, cleaning, cooking, and grocery shopping. But if you’re with the majority, a few simple tips and stress management techniques can help to make your life as a lady boss much easier. 

These tips presented by FromGirlToGirl will help you to do it!

Apply Time-Saving Tricks

When it comes to managing the day-to-day, embrace tools that free up time and help reduce stress. For example, look for ways to automate tasks, including the use of accounting and payroll platform or a social media management site. Having invoices automatically sent or timed posts for FaceBook or Instagram will add precious minutes to your day. There are other great tools out there too, such as Trello or Asana for project management, or Adobe Spark’s free design studio when you’re tackling your own marketing materials. Features like their online banner template offer quick and easy creation through a template library, and once your design is complete, you can resize it for your website, your Instagram or anywhere else you need it. 

Hire a Virtual Assistant

Outsourcing work isn’t always easy when you’re used to juggling everything yourself — especially if you’re a perfectionist — and sometimes it simply isn’t in the budget. However, some business functions are best outsourced if you’re overworked, overstressed, and struggling to keep up with it all. And one of these business functions includes your administrative tasks. This is where a virtual assistant (VA) comes in.

By recruiting an experienced virtual assistant (VA) to help with some or all of your administrative tasks, you’ll take the following types of responsibilities off your plate.

  • Performing data entry
  • Scheduling meetings and social media posts
  • Receiving / returning phone calls and emails
  • Proofreading documents

Many administrative VAs charge an hourly rate, ranging from $10- $20, to offer affordable,helpful support. However, hourly rates vary based on experience and the types of tasks you assign. Executive virtual assistants or VAs with marketing experience can help with business tasks. Use a freelance job board website to find the most qualified candidates.

Schedule Weekly Meetings at Home

To make sure your family is on the same page each week, it’s important to hold regular meetings with your spouse, kids, and any other household members. These weekly meetings will give everyone a chance to connect with one another, organize the upcoming week, discuss their wants and needs, and delegate household chores and responsibilities. 

If you don’t have kids, you and your spouse (or partner) should still plan to meet each week. This time together can be used to make plans, divide chores, discuss problems or challenges, and express gratitude for one another. 

Life is unpredictable, but making a plan to meet weekly will help to take some of the stress and uncertainty out of balancing work and family life. Plus, these meetings will bring everyone together for some much-needed family time.

Get Some Help Around the House

Even if you’re working remotely or running a home-based business, you likely could use some help in your personal life — especially if you’re a mother to one or more children. Here are a few ideas for getting some help around the house when you’re busy running a business.

  • Hire a nanny or another type of childcare professional.
  • Pay for a cleaning service to get help with vacuuming, dusting, and laundry.
  • Delegate age-appropriate chores to your children. 
  • Sign up for a meal or grocery delivery service to save time on shopping and food prep. 

Regardless of whether you hire a VA to handle your administrative tasks as a business owner, a personal assistant (PA) could be another great investment. Unlike VAs, personal assistants can help with everything from running errands and paying bills to prepping meals for your family and managing your personal calendar. 

As a woman, you’re used to juggling it all — and you’re great at it. But being great at something does not mean you do not deserve a helping hand. There’s no need to do it all, and knowing when to ask for help will only make you more successful as a business owner — especially in the male-dominated world we’re living in. 

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How to treat Depression and Sleep Deprivation |A Mental Health Awareness Resource

Woman crying because of her depression.

Do you know over 17 million Americans suffer from depression?

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, here is a guide that illustrates the connection between depression and sleep. Depression can disrupt sleep, and that lack of rest can worsen symptoms of depression.

This guide is a good mental health resource because it explains the reciprocal relationship between depression and lack of sleep. Through education and therapy, we can learn how to sleep better while coping with depression.

Yes, depression can make you feel exhausted during the day even after getting the recommended hours of sleep at night.

Yes, it can be hard to get yourself out of bed when you feel like you cannot overcome your depression.

65% to 90% of adults and up to 90% of children with depression have some type of sleep problem. Together we can support each other in our fight against depression and sleep deprivation.

Share this source with a friend, family, or colleague in need.

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New Music: PinkFiz – ‘Did I Ask?’ | Female Consent and Sexual Harassment Anthem

PinkFiz photoshoot

18-year-old punk-pop artist PinkFiz from Cambridgeshire has released her new single “Did I Ask?” to emphasize the importance of female consent and why we all need to do our part to end sexual harassment. The new single touches on punk/rock instrumentation, radiating a brooding bassline, fast-paced drums, and a howling lead guitar. The clashing guitars are a juxtaposition to PinkFiz’s soft, muted vocals, as she sings, “she’s not your possession.” 

PinkFiz confides, “I wrote this song about the phrase “she was asking for it” because I was really angry that day about it and I needed to get all my frustration about it into words and into a song. I am very passionate about fighting for equality and about making opportunities for everyone the same. As a female guitarist, I have been overlooked in the past and disregarded and I’ve often felt invalidated and seen as not as good as my male peers. I also recalled being robbed of opportunities in school and begging for a chance to play something more technical and difficult but the parts I would ask for were always given to an older male teacher without me having a shot at trying them.”

PinkFiz represents female empowerment and the songwriters pride in being an independent female artist and producer. With the hopes to make listeners feel invincible and capable of anything, she hopes the empowering song will help listeners feel like they stomping on top of the world.

Here at Fromgirltogirl, we enjoy the catchy chorus of ‘Did I Ask?’ and appreciate the messaging of encouraging sexual consent. Although our society needs to enforce more policies and laws to protect women against sexual abuse and violence, we know we must keep the conversation going to make a better world for not only us but our future generations. We cannot stay silent.

Listen to ‘Did I Ask?’ now:

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Lessons to Help You Work Bravely

Women supporting women in career development by building up self-esteem.

We’ve all experienced a lack of self-confidence at one point or another. From not making a sports team in school to being rejected by a job we really wanted, self-confidence is something women struggle with their entire lives.

When women advance in the workforce there can be many uncertainties that fill their heads—am I qualified for this role? Can someone do this better than me? Unfortunately, there are hurdles in women’s minds that discourage self-promotion, confidence and taking risks. 

In celebration of International Women’s Month, we encourage women to bravely open themselves up to new challenges that will be beneficial for their careers. To help you navigate uncharted waters, you can look to female experts in business, management, and leadership to help you befriend your inner critic, overcome self-doubt, and move forward in your career bravely.

Below we will share a few words of wisdom from experts to boost your confidence and help you work bravely. 

Be Flawsome

Striving for perfection, might be your kryptonite. When you set unrealistic expectations for yourself, you’ll only let yourself down when and if you don’t reach them. Speaker and consultant, Dr. Margie Warrel, recommends showing yourself some compassion when she wrote in an article for Forbes to be “flawsome.” Being flawsome means to embrace your humanity and own your fallibility. 

Seek Out Mentorship

The next lesson in working more bravely, is to seek out mentorship from someone you can learn from and share your aspirations with. Mentorship is critical to female professionals, as a mentor can push you to seek out advancement and help make sure you have the tools to be successful. Entrepreneur Liz Elting wrote in an article for Forbes that “Mentorship creates the opportunities that open more doors to more women, which just keeps the ball rolling.”

Practice Vulnerability

Studies show that there is no courage without vulnerability. The same rings true in the workforce. Author and researcher on vulnerability, Brené Brown, believes that the only way humans can truly connect is to embrace vulnerability. In order to be a rising leader in your organization, you must be honest with others and share your most authentic self. 

We hope these few nuggets of advice from female leaders has inspired you to take steps in your career bravely and confidently. For more insight, explore Tommy John’s full article on self-confidence lessons or note their infographic below!

Self-Confidence Lessons

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How to Choose a New Career Path as a Stay-at-Home Mom

Mom working from home with her baby

As the COVID-19 pandemic sends more of the professional world into a digital reality each day, moms across the country are finding themselves ready to break back into the workforce. The ability to bring in some extra income from the comfort of your own home is an exciting opportunity, but deciding which career path best suits you can be challenging. An important first step in this decision is identifying where your skills and interests lie and matching those with compatible careers

Detail-Oriented Jobs 

Are you someone who pays razor-sharp attention to detail and enjoys routine in your career? These types of jobs require a logical mindset and are best suited for people who enjoy following a concrete procedure to complete a task. Those who excel in math and science often have great data collection and interpretation skills, which are essential for data-centered jobs and programmers. 

Detail-oriented jobs are also great if you live a very organized life. If you’re the type of person who plans out your week with an agenda or color coordinates your closet, you may do well as a bookkeeper or a paralegal. Most of these jobs do not require a ton of prior experience or education in the field, and those that do are well within reach through community college and online classes. Plus, the digital nature of most detail-oriented work allows you to advance your career from home while still being there for your kids. 

If you’re looking to maintain a sense of structure in your life, that may feel fleeting with the pressures of motherhood, you should look into career options that are similar to the following:

  • Freelance Programming
  • Editing/Proofreading
  • Bookkeeping
  • Transcribing/Translation 
  • Data Entry
  • Accountant Clerking 

Creative Jobs

Those going back to work who prefer to move at their own pace and apply their unique abilities to a career, might benefit more from heading in a creative direction. These types of jobs are typically better suited for people who are more oriented towards arts and humanities, rather than STEM-related fields. 

For example, if you have a passion for graphic design, you can work as a freelance designer and help people spruce up their websites and ad campaigns. Maybe you’re a woman who wants to write about her experiences with motherhood and share tips and suggestions with other mothers or parents. You can start your own blog and make money from revenue. For those with a crafty talent, such as sewing or crocheting, you can spend your time perfecting handmade crafts and starting a business selling them online.

If you love interacting with others in an online setting and creating digital content, just about every business and public figure nowadays needs a social media manager to help curate their feeds on social networks. 

Whether your hobbies are digital or non-digital, you can use internet resources and platforms to generate income while doing what you love and still being mother of the year at home. If you see yourself as more geared towards creative work, anything related to the following stay-at-home jobs is well worth looking into:

  • Photography
  • Graphic Design
  • Marketing
  • Blogging
  • Freelance Art
  • Crafting

Going back to work as a mother may be intimidating, but it’s incredibly rewarding and commendable. With accessible workplaces becoming more available yearly, the opportunities to turn what you love into a career are endless. For more information and tips on making the decision that’s best for you, check out the following visual guide from JobHero!

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Infographic attribution to jobhero.com article '32 Stay at Home Mom Jobs [ + Printables].'
 Attribution to jobhero.com article ‘32 Stay at Home Mom Jobs [ + Printables].
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