Most popular self-care activities by U.S. state [Study]

Woman hugs herself
United States of America Self-care rituals.
As we approach the holiday season, self-care is very important. Despite feeling burned out, almost 1 in 3 (31%) say they engage in more self-care activities during the holiday season. Check out this study on American self-care habits.

Self-care is becoming increasingly important in our everyday lives, and as we approach the winter season, self-care becomes even more vital.

What does self-care look like?

It can mean different things for different people, but what are some of the most popular self-care activities?

According to a new study from Within Health, the most common self-care activity across the United States is journaling. Other popular forms of self-care include exercise, yoga, taking a bath, and sleep.

Good news: 3 in 5 Americans feel like they have enough money and time to prioritize the self-care they need. On average, Americans are spending 6 hours each week engaging in self-care activities and spend about $90 monthly.

Over half (52%) of Americans say they feel more burned out during the holiday season, and 50% add that it can be hard to make self-care a priority during the holidays.

“As the holidays approach, give yourself the gift of self-care,” says Katie Piel, Primary Therapist with Within Health.

“Mindfulness is one quick way to give your mind and body a break during the whirlwind of the holidays and it doesn’t have to add extra time in your day. Engaging in mindfulness as self-care is an easy and free way to increase your peace and decrease your stress.”

Take a look at the full study about self-care.
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Black Women and Black Hair – A Love Letter

Briana Booker. Curly Hair.

By Briana Booker

You’re about to make us create a podcast by 2023. Most black women with hair have hair volume. This volume looks different on all of us based on our diverse heritage. Black women who grow out their hair ( not all of us want to or can ). Yes, that volume can be brushed straight or sorta straight. Yes, some of us may want to use chemicals. Yes, some of those chemicals can cause cancer or kills us. So, choose wisely.

But no matter what, we all understand, our hair or lack of hair requires extra care. It’s why we call it the crown. The average black woman is multi-ethnic. Some think only fair complexion black women are ‘mixed’ race but there are many ‘mixed’ dark complexion black americans out there. People just never talk openly about what that means and about race in America and around the world.

A significant amount of Black Americans have traces of Caucasian and other ethnic groups. Yes, I use the word ethnic verse the word race for a reason. We will discuss that in the future.

I am just glad people like the Duchess ( Meghan Markle) are opening up about touchy topics, like hair texture. It’s crazy how the topic of hair is a painful discussion based on how we are treated differently. We sadly live in a very racist and cruel world. But we have the power to change the world and make it better.

One thing I can tell you is this: the Duchess, Mariah Carey, Beyonce, you, and even me can change the world. We can grow our hair volume or show off a bald head while we do it. We can grow afros. Yes, I am related to white women who can grow afros. And Yes, I am still trying to grow a perfectly beautiful afro like Michael Jackson ( someone we noticed went through painful moments while breaking glass ceiling of things we know are racial barriers). Mike, wherever you are now, know I am still figuring a way to grow my fro like yours.

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You may also be interested in reading ‘Race in America: Mixed, Black, and Everything in Between. ‘

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Race in America: Mixed, Black, and Everything in Between

I think for us it's so different because we're light skinned. You're not treated as a black woman, you're not treated as a black woman, you're not treated as a white woman. You sort of fit in between. If there's any time in my life that it's been more focused on my race. - Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex.
CNN Video : Duchess, Meghan Markle.

By Briana Booker
If you have not listened to the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle’s, new podcast Archetypes, you are living under a rock.

So far, my favorite episode of Archetypes is Meghan’s interview with Mariah Carey for many reasons. It’s not just about race. Mariah Carey is a survivor of poverty, abuse, and gossip. I fucking love you Mariah Carey. I am saying that with my 1997 Butterfly voice. It’s a must listen:

Mariah Carey Doubles Down on Calling Meghan Markle a ‘Diva’ — in the Most ‘Empowering’ Way

The Duchess of Sussex said “it stopped me in my tracks” when Mariah Carey called her a “diva.” Listen to the Archetypes podcast

#1 New York Times Bestseller: The Meaning of Mariah Carey

It’s a touchy topic. Over centuries skin color became mixed with status around the world. Black , Brown, and White skin complexions of Kings , Queens, and Princesses always existed in the world.  

I’ve had light skin , brown skin, and I tried  so hard to have dark skin because I saw highly intelligent, beautiful black women respected for their minds and beauty. But they were still mistreated due to racism and debate on who deserves high status but fair skin women ( white ) are mistreated too … just differently.

Regardless,  I never fit anywhere and there’s a such thing as skin cancer. I can also tan and severely burn.

But they treat The Duchess, Meghan Markle, poorly as a ‘mixed’ woman because they want people to see black as less than. I call it the “We want to make sure you don’t forget,” moment. If you know, you know. 

But Queen Elizabeth’s family always had black and brown people. They were there long before Queen Elizabeth was born and will be long after our lifetimes.

Once upon a time, there was more partnerships than conquering to gain power in the world. It’s 2022, the world leaders are focusing back on partnerships but still have the weapons in the briefcases.

By the time Queen Elizabeth’s great grand parents were born, royal families had to conquer more than partner.

Guns and weapon supplies make that easy to do. You’d be surprised who created the first guns. Let’s just say, those groups are still calling the shots. 

Why do think there’s always a weapons race? 

Mixed individuals can still have status in this world environment. But who wants status without the respect?

Oprah treats Meghan with respect. And it’s not just about having high status. She knows Meghan is a woman. She knows Meghan is a black woman. She knows Meghan can represent different kinds of women. She knows there are rules to keep high status. 

Most of the bad names I’ve been called in life are by men. But that’s to take away status.

I’ve been called exotic. But that’s to take away my stature and that’s about who leads – a walk to the side or behind. And there are benefits if I choose “right.”

I live in America. I wouldn’t call it modern. It’s just more modern than my ancestors experienced as women. 

I can cook and eat with a man whose courting me.

I can also benefit from his hard work.

Parents want to give their daughter(s) an education for different reasons. The common reason: To maintain or grow status and to make a nice life for their daughter(s) and, if she wants kids, a nice life for their grandchildren ( even if it’s not from her womb).

I can be assertive but I cannot be too assertive.

I can be as sweet to children as I want. 

I can be outspoken and showcase my intelligence. If it’s something that benefits us both, but the world says he takes the spotlight. But there are older men that say “Why can’t you?”

But it grants women a spotlight of their own. Meghan, you’re in the spotlight. What you do with it is sorta up to you. Use the time wisely.

The Duchess, Meghan Markle, has 5 stages she stands on – The Royal Family. Harry ( Prince Harry).  Her Children.  Humanity. Women.

And it’s during a time where black people and other marginalized people are realizing how much status they’ve always had.

I don’t know about you Duchess. But I’m reclaiming my time.

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Healthy Habits You Can Incorporate Into Your Family’s Schedule

Creating healthy habits for your family and sticking to them can be challenging, especially when you all have busy schedules. The good news is there are some quick and easy ways to work better choices into your routines. Reducing stress, eating healthy, getting enough rest, and making time for physical activity are a few of the best changes you can make, but the key is to make sure your entire family will get the benefit. Today, Fromgirltogirl has a few tips on how to change your lifestyle for the better and get your family on a healthy track:

Start at Home

When it comes to helping your family feel good, there is no better place to start than at home. Our environment plays such a big role in our physical and mental health that it is crucial to assess those surroundings and make sure they’re in good shape. Removing clutter, organizing pantries and closets, letting in fresh air, and creating a peaceful spot for quiet meditation time. You can change your home for the better. Taking steps to ensure that your home is calm and clean can go a long way toward reducing stress and other negative feelings for your family members.

Alleviate Work Stress

Most of us experience stress at work; make changes to your home to combat half the problem. Fortunately, there are several simple things you can do to keep stress at bay during the workday, especially if you or your spouse work from home. Start by setting up a clean, organized office space that provides the right tools and equipment for your needs, and add live plants for a little mental health boost. It’s also important to make sure you get up and move around during the day rather than sticking to the desk since sedentary jobs can lead to physical health issues. Set up a schedule for the workday that will allow you to stay organized and on task even when life throws you a curveball.

Make Mealtime Family Time

With a busy family schedule, it may not be possible for everyone to sit down for dinner together every night, even if you work from home. However, you can make the most of those nights when you are together by involving the kids in the process of food preparation. Young people get several advantages from working in the kitchen, which are amplified when spending time with their parents. As a parent, you can use that time to talk about their day or make plans for the weekend. Think of healthy meals for the week and include the entire family in the planning process.

Pursue Your Educational and Vocational Goals

One of the best things you can do for yourself – not to mention model positive behavior for your family – is pursue your dreams. Is there a business you’ve always wanted to start or an educational goal you’ve been putting off? If you have a passion for helping others, for instance, going back to school for a degree in nursing is a great way to start. And thanks to the flexibility of online learning, you can work at your own pace, without needing to take time off to focus on your studies.

Take Up a Hobby Together

Whether you and your loved ones discover a passion for cooking and baking or you want to do something more active, enjoying a hobby together can bring you closer while boosting your overall well being. You might ride bikes, play a sport, make art, or get into gaming. You can even take a local class together or learn more about a common interest through a how-to activity. Most hobbies can help us reduce stress and anxiety, and some can also help us stay fit, making them perfect for family-sized fun.

Fromgirltogirl (FG2G) is a healthy lifestyle consultant and trusted news source for audiences of all ages. To learn more about the FG2G community, explore our website, services and use the hashtag #FG2G on social media.

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The Mismanagement of Miscarriage: The Superwoman that Stagnates Healing

By: Taushauna Burrel 


Four years ago on a sunny February morning in Michigan, I woke up to one of the worst surprises I ever received. On this morning, it was my turn to experience what my doctor coldly described as common and the body’s natural way of spontaneously aborting my child.

I was going through a miscarriage. I sat there with this truth and her facts, while my head begin to create more questions, that my voice was too paralyzed to make known. The silence begin, and the unheroic superwoman emerged.

The Unrecognizable Woman That Emerges

In the moment, I received the news of my miscarriage, like most women, there were loud mental and spiritual nuances in the room overshadowing the silence of the news bearer. I could hear and feel the issues attached to the pain I felt blaring loudly in the echoes of my empty womb. It was the noise of blame, shame, guilt, denial, and even depression. These feelings followed me daily. It seemed that the more I would look for someone that understood exactly what I was going through and solutions to this pain, the quieter the hope of productive healing became and the louder the blame or the shame would become. 

As a result, I decided to compartmentalize my pain, and cling to the age-old stigma, that I was a STRONG black woman, and could conquer this on my own.

I begin to wear my silence as a badge of strength and became my own superhero. I decided that I would work my way through this unfortunate series of events, and then she emerged as the Superwoman.

To numb and avoid the pain of processing this reality, I threw myself into work at home and in my office. I became the woman who faced everything and nothing at the same time. I nurtured everyone else that was affected by the miscarriage. I suffered. But I found ways to help others heal, while avoiding my own healing process.

I would go one to experience 3 more losses that year, and while my superwoman seemingly helped me in the beginning ultimately she delayed my process of healing while I also endured some unhealthy lows and behaviors that I grew to regret. 

The End of Silence

Today, I recognize that in those moments I was actually my weakest and lowest; the avoidance of pain and deference of outside help is not “strong.” I realize that it was not my job to become my own superhero. Miscarriage is not a battle that requires strength; it’s one that requires strategy and a tribe. 

Taushauna Burrel 

The woman who finds herself loss in the struggle of silence and superwoman syndrome, I offer the advice to reach out to women like you. In moments when the pain is the most unbearable, SPEAK UP and give victory to your voice! Share your story and connect with people that carry the strategy and solutions to help you overcome. 

Taushauna Burrel

Taushauna Burrel is the creator of the Addison's Place Heal With God's Grace, The Miscarriage Podcast.

Taushauna Burrel is a pregnancy and infant loss solutionist, and the CEO & Founder of The Addison Grace Project, a coaching and consulting company that works directly with parents providing solutions to help conquer the pain of child loss and champion the legacy of their child(ren). When she is not coaching, Taushauna is podcasting on Addison’s Place, The Miscarriage Podcast or traveling the world speaking and hosting events that empower the voices of women.  Follow her on Instagram @taushaunaburrel and @theaddisongraceproject. Feel free to schedule a free consultation with her by clicking here.

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How to become a Shero of Women’s Rights

March is International Women’s Month, and although it may not feel like year’s past, there are still plenty of ways to celebrate female empowerment and mark the holiday! One way is to appreciate all the “sheroes” in our society who make a positive impact every day to challenge gender inequality and empower others. 

What is a Shero?

A shero is defined as a woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities; a heroine. The term shero originated in 1836 during the suffrage movement but can still be used today to describe a woman who lives her life geared at championing equality. Sheroes are vital to society because they support, encourage and push every woman to be better and expect more from the world. We believe a shero can be everyday people who support diversity and have a strong character and sense of self. Anyone at any age and from any culture or background can be a shero. 

How to Become a Shero?

To help you get started, FTD has collected tips and traits from common day sheroes to help you pass the baton and pave the way to a brighter future. Learn how to become your own shero and be a trailblazer for the next generation of lady heroes:

whos your shero infographic

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New Music: Possible by Waconzy | Afrobeats

Photo of Waconzy

What a year it has been for highlighting African cultures. From Meghan and Harry tour of South Africa to the live action of the Lion King, here at Fromgirltogirl we cannot get enough. Now we are adding one of Africa’s biggest afrobeat hits to our favorite ‘do it for the culture’ vibes of 2019. It is ‘Possible’ by Waconzy, a renowned Afrobeat Legend. Listen now:

Like what you heard? Follow Waconzy on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @Waconzy.
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Dry Skin relief | How to use XO Balm for sensitive skin relief

Xo Balm product review by Briana Booker

Sometimes during the summer and throughout the year, I experience dry skin and even sensitive skin. This made me start searching for balm to treat dry and sensitive skin. I got lucky and found XO Balm, which uses a combination of natural ingredients to offer an effective balm that treats my dry and sensitive skin areas.

When I put on the XO Balm, I felt instant relief for my dry skin around my nose and heal rough skin on my body. I like to keep the balm in my purse as well as one in my restroom to relieve my skin of cracking and irritation from dermatitis.

What I love about the balm is that it keeps my skin well hydrated and smooth. I use it all over my body  – my face, lips, hands, feet, and nails. Yes, I even use it on my scalp after taking a shower or washing my hair.

XO Balm also has all my favorite ingredients, including coconut oil, beeswax, chia seed oil, and olive. I use them daily and so happy I now have a skin care product that absorbs these 100% natural ingredients and gifts from the planet into my brown skin. It’s a beautiful feeling.

Here are more great benefits about XO Balm:

  • No chemical ingredients
  • Free from preservatives
  • Cruelty-free
  • Travel-friendly skin care product… love that it comes with a mirror and spatula

I can tell the product was made with care. It will definitely keep me coming back for more and offers me solutions for sensitive skin relief. Watch my first try of XO Balm:

Want to try XO Balm today? Order today.

Xo Balm for sensitive skin treatment

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How to prevent hair loss and increase hair growth naturally | organic hair care

Best hair growth products for natural hair from Noas Choice

When I was a teen through my early 20’s, I only had a few hair concerns such as managing my natural curls, preventing dryness and overall hair damage. At 30, I am focused on fighting hair loss and maintaining healthy hair.  I always had hair thinning on one side, which I believe I inherited from my father because he has the same. Moreover, my hair is a blend of two cultures — black and asian. I never have a perfect hair day. It is the reason I read articles like 5 ways to increase hair growth naturally and How to stop and reduce hair fall — 14 things that worked for me.

Recently, I researched some hair care options online to help maximize hair growth and fight hair loss. I found Noa’s Choice Hair Care Collection. I am very careful about the products I put in my hair and thankful the product is made in America, organic, and vegan. NOA’s CHOICE Maximum Hair Growth Elixer (VEGAN) is an Authentic Ancient Potent Ayurvedic Formula that promotes longer, thicker and healthier hair. It has a healing Ayurveda formula to offer the following hair care benefits:

  • Strong, thick, and healthy hair
  • Maximizes hair growth
  • Strengthens hair follicle
  • Restores a healthy scalp
  • Reduces hair fall and breakage
  • Reduces premature greying
  • Increases hair thickness
  • Improves circulation to the scalp
  • Helps prevent split ends
  • Seals the hair shaft
  • Alleviates dry scalp and dandruff
  • Seals in moisture and shine
  • Can use as a hot oil treatment
  • Promotes growth of bald spots
  • Soothes & conditions the scalp

Best of all, the hair product is used for all hair types.

The hair care ingredients of Noa’s Choice are:

  • Organic Black Jamaican Castor Oil
  • Organic Coconut Oil
  • Organic Jojoba Oil
  • Organic Manuka Oil
  • Organic Indian Sweet Almond Oil
  • Organic Baobab Oil
  • Organic Shea Oil
  • Organic Argan Oil
  • Organic Vit. E Oil
  • Organic Methi
  • Organic Amla Extract
  • Organic Henna
  • Organic Brahmi
  • Organic Bhringraj
  • Organic Caffeine
  • Organic Cayenne Extract
  • Organic Peppermint
  • Organic Tea Tree

How to apply Noa’s Choice

To use the hair care, simply apply 4 to 5 drops to the scalp and massage. Leave it in overnight or  use it as a hot oil treatment of 2-3 hours before washing. I apply the formula 3-4 times a week. You can check out my results on Fromgirltogirl on Instagram in the weeks to come. Below is me trying Noa’s Choice for the first time:

Try NOA’s CHOICE Maximum Hair Growth Elixer (VEGAN) today.

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Best skin remedy for clear and glowing skin: Zincuta ointment

best skin remedy products for flawless skin

*** was provided a sample product for honest review. Opinions are our own. Product reviews are not endorsements. ***

Given my new awareness on the importance of continuously improving myself physically and mentally, I am exploring different products and services to improve my body wellness. In recent years, I have noticed afflictions of the skin are more visible than I recall years ago, particularly sun burns, raw sores, and insect bites my skin suffers the most vulnerability from. I heard speciality skin cream could address my skin problems as well as skin afflictions such as chafes, burns, psoriasis, eczema, and poison.

If you are like me, my goal is to have flawless skin. I tried drinking more water and eating healthier. That helps to a degree and getting into the habit of regular exercise has its perks as well. But none of these address the healthy skin appearance after I have bruised my skin over the years through rough play, adventure, and a busy lifestyle. At the end of the day, stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, sunburn, and drinking alcohol has done some damage to my skin and overall beauty care. Now I am trying to get “back to good” with my overall health and skin appearance. Yes, I was that woman browsing how to get clear skin at home and other beauty tips.

During my web research, I found Zincuta Ointment, a speciality skin cream to bring relief and heal skin afflictions. It also serves as a best skin remedy for sores, abrasions, cuts, chapped lips, and hands. I was particularly interested in this ointment for its natural ingredients as I feel more comfortable using skin products when I know what the ingredients are. You can see the list of ingredients included in Zincuta now.

Trying out Zincuta Ointment

I love this skin care product’s every day use, including after shaving and to relieve skin irritation. Here are some of the great benefits of using Zincuta:

  • It relieves soreness at once
  • It has antibacterial and antiseptic properties
  • The coating protects injured parts of the body

To really get the most out of the ointment, apply it to the affected area and keep the skin covered until it has healed. Order the Zincuta Ointment today and let me know what you think.

*** was provided a sample product for honest review. Opinions are our own. Product reviews are not endorsements. ***

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